meteor-accounts-ui-bootstrap-dropdown icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
meteor-accounts-ui-bootstrap-dropdown copied to clipboard

Drop down not showing up

Open kaushik1979 opened this issue 10 years ago • 0 comments


Any idea why the drop down is not showing up for my application?

I have the following packages added to my project -

standard-app-packages observatory font-awesome HTML5-History-API observatory-apollo observatory-galileo page-js-ie-support inspector chartjs jquery jquery-ui npm mathjax facebook oauth google ace-embed autocompletion wow email animate-css iron-router bootstrap-3 accounts-password accounts-twitter accounts-facebook accounts-ui-bootstrap-dropdown

I have put the following in client/lib/accounts/Login.js -

Accounts.ui.config({ passwordSignupFields: 'USERNAME_AND_EMAIL' });

Following is my header file -


kaushik1979 avatar Apr 17 '14 02:04 kaushik1979