Nilambar Sharma

Results 53 issues of Nilambar Sharma

Being a WordPress Theme Developer, I frequently need to play with widgets and sidebars. Following could be very helpful for widget management. * Clone a widget (with assignment of sidebar)...


Fix partially * `--exclude-files` argument added in `plugin check` command * Filter `wp_plugin_check_ignore_files` added for ignoring files * Added Behat tests and unit tests

Related: In current readme validator, warnings are raised if following fields are missing: - Tested up to - Stable tag - Contributors We could also implement here in trunk...

[Type] Enhancement

Ref: Why strings are not showing in **Development**? Any idea?

Related to * Added `check_headers()` method in `Plugin_Readme_Check` * Add separate private method for getting ignored filters `get_ignored_warnings()` * Two headers are checked here: - `Tested up to` -...

If readme file has upgrade notice is longer than 300 characters then `WARNING` will be shown.

Fixes * Add `Plugin_Header_Requires_Check` * Tests added for `Plugin_Header_Requires_Check` * For single file plugin or plugin without readme file, headers of main plugin is checked. ERROR is raised if...

This PR partially fixes * Fetching of checks and check categories are different in our setup. So it is not viable to use same approach for the validation. *...

``` wp plugin check hello-world --ignore-warnings --ignore-errors ``` In the CLI command `plugin check`, passing arguments `--ignore-warnings` and `--ignore-errors` at same time will always give empty results. We could warn...

Related: For following two headers, we accept fields either in readme file or main plugin file. - `Requires at least` - `Requires PHP` We could raise **ERROR** or **WARNING**...