django-highcharts copied to clipboard
Plot graphs with django and highcharts
Django Highcharts
This project starts from a fork of novapost package to generate charts in your Django application using Highcharts helpers.
- Pie with drilldown charts
- 3D Pie Options
- Speedometer charts
- Multiple Axes charts
- Area charts
- Bar charts
- Heatmap charts
- Polar Spider web charts
- HighStock basic charts
Source code is on Github <>
There are a few different ways you can install pyechonest:
- Use setuptools:
pip install django-highcharts
- Download the zipfile from the downloads page and install it.
- Checkout the source:
[email protected]:ernestoarbitrio/django-highcharts.git
and install it yourself.
In your settings file:
### other apps ###
### other apps ###
Don’t forget to set your STATIC_ROOT path and to run the following command to update the static files:
python collectstatic
Write a graph with different series type (in file or if you want in a file):
from highcharts.views import (HighChartsMultiAxesView, HighChartsPieView,
HighChartsSpeedometerView, HighChartsHeatMapView, HighChartsPolarView)
class BarView(HighChartsMultiAxesView):
title = 'Example Bar Chart'
subtitle = 'my subtitle'
categories = ['Orange', 'Bananas', 'Apples']
chart_type = ''
chart = {'zoomType': 'xy'}
tooltip = {'shared': 'true'}
legend = {'layout': 'horizontal', 'align': 'left',
'floating': 'true', 'verticalAlign': 'top',
'y': -10, 'borderColor': '#e3e3e3'}
def yaxis(self):
y_axis = [
{'labels': {'format': '{value} pz/sc ', 'style': {'color': '#f67d0a'}},
'title': {'text': "Oranges", 'style': {'color': '#f67d0a'}},
'opposite': 'true'},
{'gridLineWidth': 1,
'title': {'text': "Bananas", 'style': {'color': '#3771c8'}},
'labels': {'style': {'color': '#3771c8'}, 'format': '{value} euro'}},
{'gridLineWidth': 1,
'title': {'text': "Apples", 'style': {'color': '#666666'}},
'labels': {'format': '{value} pz', 'style': {'color': '#666666'}},
'opposite': 'true'}
return y_axis
def series(self):
series = [
'name': 'Orange',
'type': 'column',
'yAxis': 1,
'data': [90,44,55,67,4,5,6,3,2,45,2,3,2,45,5],
'tooltip': "{ valueSuffix: ' euro' }",
'color': '#3771c8'
'name': 'Bananas',
'type': 'spline',
'yAxis': 2,
'data': [12,34,34,34, 5,34,3,45,2,3,2,4,4,1,23],
'marker': { 'enabled': 'true' },
'dashStyle': 'shortdot',
'color': '#666666',
'name': 'Apples',
'type': 'spline',
'data': [12,23,23,23,21,4,4,76,3,66,6,4,5,2,3],
'color': '#f67d0a'
return series
if you want you can write a graph based on a particular class of chart. For example if you need a pie chart with drilldown interaction:
from highcharts.views import (HighChartsMultiAxesView, HighChartsPieView,
HighChartsSpeedometerView, HighChartsHeatMapView, HighChartsPolarView)
class PieDrilldown(HighChartsPieView):
title = 'Torta'
subtitle = 'torino'
def series(self):
series = [
'name': 'Classi',
'colorByPoint': 'true',
'data': [
{'name': 'Emorroidi',
'y': 10,
'drilldown': 'emorroidi'},
{'name': 'Igiene e bellezza',
'y': 12,
'drilldown': 'igiene'},
{'name': 'Omeopatia',
'y': 8,
'drilldown': 'omeopatia'}
return series
def drilldown(self):
drilldown = {
'series': [
{'id': 'emorroidi',
'name': 'Emorroidi',
'data': [
['brand1', 7],
['brand2', 3],
['brand3', 5]
{'id': 'igiene',
'name': 'Igiene e Bellezza',
'data': [
['brand1', 3],
['brand2', 1],
['brand3', 4],
['brand4', 5]
{'id': 'omeopatia',
'name': 'Omeopatia',
'data': [
['brand1', 3],
['brand2', 1],
['brand3', 4],
['', 0]
return drilldown
Then you need to map the graph to an url in file:
from import BarView
url(regex='^bar/$', view=BarView.as_view(), name='bar')
In the template:
{% load highcharts_tags %}
<!-- enable highcharts scripts -->
<!-- highcharts_js (highcharts 3d highstock heatmap) you need to pass 1 or 0 if you want to enable 3d or highstock etc...-->
{% highcharts_js 1 0 0 0 %}
<!-- the graph container -->
<div id="container" style="height: 400px; min-width: 310px; max-width: 1200px; margin: 0 auto"></div>
<!-- the javascript call -->
$(function () {
$.getJSON("{% url 'bar' %}", function(data) {
An advanced example with parameters passed via url and data retrived from db (using orm or raw query)
class AdvancedGraph(HighChartsMultiAxesView):
title = 'Advanced graph'
subtitle = 'params and query'
chart = {'zoomType': 'xy'}
tooltip = {'shared': 'true'}
legend = {
'layout': 'vertical',
'align': 'left',
'verticalAlign': 'top',
'y': 30
def get_data(self):
param = self.kwargs['param1']
f = MyModel.objects.get(field=param)
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("select * from mydbfunction(%s)" as (outvalues json)", [])
graph = cursor.fetchall()
self.serie = graph[0]
##### X LABELS
self.categories = graph[1]
self.yaxis = {
'title': {
'text': 'Title 1'
'plotLines': [
'value': 0,
'width': 1,
'color': '#808080'
self.series = self.serie
data = super(AdvancedGraph, self).get_data()
return data
then in Then you need to map the graph to an url in file:
from import AdvancedGraph
url(regex='^adv/(?P<param1>\d+)/$', view=AdvancedGraph.as_view(), name='adv')