DigisparkKeyboard copied to clipboard
DigisparkKeyboard library with multiple layout support
DigisparkKeyboard library with multiple layout support
Based on DigisparkKeyboard library
This library allows an Digispark board with Attiny85 act as a Keyboard.
For more information about this boards visit http://digistump.com/category/1
Modified by Ernesto Sanchez to support multiple keyboard layouts
Modified by Mümin Köykıran to support Turkish keyboard layouts
Supported layouts:
- tr_tr
- be_be
- cz_cz
- da_dk
- de_de
- en_us (default)
- es_es
- fi_fi
- fr_fr
- it_it
- pt_pt
NOTE1: Only en_us and es_es are tested at july 2017. NOTE2: tr_tr tested at March 2018. The result is perfect.
Download and installation
- Click "Clone or download" -> "Download ZIP"
- Unzip downloaded file in Arduino/libraries/ directory
- Maybe you need to use this directory (C:\Users\Mümin Köykıran\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\digistump\hardware\avr\1.6.7\libraries) in your PC
To configure the keyboard layout it just add #define kbd_lang after #include "DigiKeyboard.h"
#define kbd_tr_tr
#include "DigiKeyboard.h"
You can use:
- kbd_tr_tr
- kbd_be_be
- kbd_cz_cz
- kbd_da_dk
- kbd_de_de
- kbd_en_us
- kbd_es_es
- kbd_fi_fi
- kbd_fr_fr
- kbd_it_it
- kbd_pt_pt
If none is especified en_us is used by default.
Version History
(Date format: DD/MM/YYYY)
* 8/7/2017 First commit
- Test all layouts
- Implement a solution for extended ascii characters for all layouts
Open an issue, ask me on twitter to @ernesto_xload or visit www.sanchezpano.info
Turkish implemented and tested by: @MrKoykiran or visit www.muminkoykiran.com