jamdb_oracle copied to clipboard
Elixir 1.16.0-otp-26 and erlang 26.0.2 breaking queries with jamdb_oracle 0.5.7 version.
In the above mentioned combination if I use jamdb_oracle 0.5.4 version the queries are bringing results without any error.
Only with 0.5.7 version the queries are failing with different errors.
@vstavskyi Appreciate if you could look into this. Let me know if you need any details
My function to get data looks like below.
case Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(
) do
{:ok, %{rows: rows}} ->
rows |> Enum.map(fn row -> Enum.zip(columns, row) |> Enum.into(%{}) end)
error ->
"Error while executing query = #{inspect(query)} for args = #{inspect(args)}. Error = #{inspect(error)}"
raise "Error while executing query = #{inspect(query)} for args = #{inspect(args)}. Error = #{inspect(error)}"
Appreciate if this could be looked into.
I got undefineded function pubkey_pbe:pbdkdf2
error with elixir 1.15 on both 0.5.4 and 0.5.7
try master branch 0.5.8
Do you have a schedule when this will be available in hex?
Because your app depends on jamdb_oracle 0.5.8 which doesn't match any versions, version solving failed.
Declare :crypto and :public_key extra applications in mix.exs
def application do
extra_applications: [:crypto, :public_key]