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ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
Hi, I am asking for your help because I got the error ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
after calling jamdb_oracle:sql_query/2
many times.
I found there's a same issue that has been marked as fixed: https://github.com/erlangbureau/jamdb_oracle/issues/16, but the same thing is reproduced on my side. Did I missed anything? I am using tag 0.4.9.
I tried to send handle_req(pig, State, {tran, ?TTI_PING})
to oracle, it works sometimes but not always. See: code here, I still don't understand why it is a TTI_PING
as the function means to send a reset
And where can I get the docs about how the oracle packets are encoded (the packet types, packet formats, etc)? I've searched for a long time but got nothing... I want to know how to clear the opened cursors in the oracle database.
I can't remember why :)
You're right, handle_req(tran, State, ?TTI_PING)
is for ping.
TNS uses a proprietary protocol. python-oracledb is open source. #112
It seems that the open cursors are not cleared if the oracle returns an error rather than normal response.
See the code here, in this case the cursors are not stored so it won't be cleared later.
I fixed the issue in our repo, but I don't know if it is good to port the code here as I also changed something else, like using erlang dictionary instead of simple process to store the cursors, etc.
About get_result(Cursors)
All queries are prepared statements, driver stores in memory data about 128 prepared statements by their crc32 https://github.com/erlangbureau/jamdb_oracle/blob/master/src/jamdb_oracle_conn.erl#L328
Creation of a process to store data https://github.com/erlangbureau/jamdb_oracle/blob/master/src/jamdb_oracle_conn.erl#L169
Generating crc32 and checking of new or already stored statement https://github.com/erlangbureau/jamdb_oracle/blob/master/src/jamdb_oracle_conn.erl#L247
Storing data of new statements or reset (delete all stored data) if the maximum of 128 was reached https://github.com/erlangbureau/jamdb_oracle/blob/master/src/jamdb_oracle_conn.erl#L284
So, ORA-01000 has no connection with Cursors.
Hi @vstavskyi, thanks for your explanation! I learned that by digging into the code yesterday.
I meant that I believe the problem is cause by L290, because it doesn't store statements as what the L284 does.
So if the oracle returns an error (such as "ORA-01653: unable to extend table SYSTEM.T_MQTT_MSG by 1024 in tablespace SYSTEM"
), the open cursors are leaking.
Another question is, I wonder if the L250 and L251 will work because the Cursor
is always equal to 0, as the CRC32 sum is newly created.
The idea of L290 was: on error reset all stored data. If all is ok (L284 ) then continue.
I think new module jamdb_oracle_buffer is not needed. You can use direct calls: erlang:get, erlang:put, erlang:erase
Maybe condition on autocommit option in L332 is the problem. https://github.com/erlangbureau/jamdb_oracle/blob/master/src/jamdb_oracle_conn.erl#L332
Internal command CURRESET was added. It's like your reset_cursors. https://github.com/erlangbureau/jamdb_oracle/blob/stage/src/jamdb_oracle_conn.erl#L124