erlang_ls icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
erlang_ls copied to clipboard

Export snippet removes dash

Open eproxus opened this issue 3 years ago • 9 comments

Describe the bug I'm not 100% this is a bug in erlang_ls, it could be a combination of Sublime, Sublime LSP and erlang_ls. However, it only happens when erlang_ls is enabled.

When autocompleting export attributes, the leading dash is removed:

% Using erlang_ls
% Leads to

% Without erlang_ls
% Leads to
% (The double dash is inserted by Sublime's default snippet, which expects 'exp' to be typed without the dash)

To Reproduce Press TAB after having typed -exp on a new line.

Expected behavior The export statement is completed to -export([]).

Actual behavior The export statement is completed to export([]).


  • erlang_ls version (tag/sha): 0.17.0
  • Editor used: Sublime Text 4 (4109)
  • LSP client used: Sublime LSP v1.6.1

eproxus avatar Jul 01 '21 11:07 eproxus

I can't reproduce in Emacs with lsp-mode, so this might be an issue that needs to be reported to Sublime LSP.

It is true that the snippet it completes to is export([${1:}])., but erlang_ls have defined "-" as a trigger character and thus it should be kept by the client. Does this ONLY concern the -export attribute or any other attributes too?

Would be interesting to hear if it can be reproduced in other editors?

plux avatar Jul 01 '21 11:07 plux

@plux Yes, all attributes it seems.

eproxus avatar Jul 01 '21 15:07 eproxus

I submitted issue in Sublime-LSP, it is interesting to see what they think.

Would be interesting to hear if it can be reproduced in other editors?

quoting myself from that issue

I checked vscode, it keeps leading -. I asked about other editors and got the only reply that eglot in emacs also keeps leading -, but I can't treat it as a viable proof.

nwalker avatar Aug 25 '21 22:08 nwalker

eproxus avatar Aug 26 '21 07:08 eproxus

I'm wondering if anyone had some more time to look at this? There seem to be a hint in the Sublime LSP thread that this could be fixed in the Erlang language server configuration (using filterText). Alternatively if anyone has a hint of where to start changing/debugging this suggestion, I could try myself (unfortunately I have no idea where to start...).

eproxus avatar Dec 07 '21 15:12 eproxus

Hi @eproxus , I simply had no time for looking into this (and I missed the comment on the Sublime LSP thread). That may be worth a try. It's unlikely for me to tackle this before a couple of weeks, though.

robertoaloi avatar Dec 09 '21 21:12 robertoaloi

@robertoaloi Thanks, I might look into it myself.

I tried the following changes:

diff --git a/apps/els_lsp/src/els_completion_provider.erl b/apps/els_lsp/src/els_completion_provider.erl
index 30c40ae..fa5fc1a 100644
--- a/apps/els_lsp/src/els_completion_provider.erl
+++ b/apps/els_lsp/src/els_completion_provider.erl
@@ -356,9 +356,9 @@ item_kind_file(Path) ->
 -spec snippet(atom()) -> item().
 snippet(attribute_behaviour) ->
-  snippet(<<"-behaviour().">>, <<"behaviour(${1:Behaviour}).">>);
+  snippet(<<"-behaviour().">>, <<"-behaviour(${1:Behaviour}).">>);
 snippet(attribute_export) ->
-  snippet(<<"-export().">>, <<"export([${1:}]).">>);
+  snippet(<<"-export().">>, <<"-export([${1:}]).">>);
 snippet(attribute_vsn) ->
   snippet(<<"-vsn(Version).">>, <<"vsn(${1:Version}).">>);
 snippet(attribute_callback) ->
@@ -403,6 +403,7 @@ snippet(attribute_compile) ->
 -spec snippet(binary(), binary()) -> item().
 snippet(Label, InsertText) ->
   #{ label => Label
+   , filterText => re:replace(Label, <<"[-\\(\\)\\[\\]\\.]">>, <<"">>, [global, {return, binary}])
    , insertText => InsertText
    , insertTextFormat => ?INSERT_TEXT_FORMAT_SNIPPET


  1. Adding the dash to the actual insertText makes the behavior correct in Sublime LSP. Not sure what the behavior would be in VS Code or other editors though.
  2. Adding a filterText property where extra characters are removed as suggested here broke erlang_ls completely for some reason (i.e. no completions work).

eproxus avatar Dec 10 '21 09:12 eproxus

I think the correct approach is to use textEdit instead of insertText, I looked into implementing it, but it turned our to be harder than I anticipated so I never finished a working implementation, maybe someone with more spare time than me wants to look at it? :)

plux avatar Dec 10 '21 10:12 plux

@plux Using textEdit, erlang_ls would be responsible for inserting only the rest of the completion, skipping what was already typed? (If I understood it correctly)

eproxus avatar Dec 10 '21 11:12 eproxus