erlang_ls copied to clipboard
Export snippet removes dash
Describe the bug
I'm not 100% this is a bug in erlang_ls
, it could be a combination of Sublime, Sublime LSP and erlang_ls
. However, it only happens when erlang_ls
is enabled.
When autocompleting export attributes, the leading dash is removed:
% Using erlang_ls
% Leads to
% Without erlang_ls
% Leads to
% (The double dash is inserted by Sublime's default snippet, which expects 'exp' to be typed without the dash)
To Reproduce
Press TAB after having typed -exp
on a new line.
Expected behavior
The export statement is completed to -export([]).
Actual behavior
The export statement is completed to export([]).
version (tag/sha): 0.17.0 - Editor used: Sublime Text 4 (4109)
- LSP client used: Sublime LSP v1.6.1
I can't reproduce in Emacs with lsp-mode
, so this might be an issue that needs to be reported to Sublime LSP.
It is true that the snippet it completes to is export([${1:}]).
, but erlang_ls
have defined "-" as a trigger character and thus it should be kept by the client.
Does this ONLY concern the -export
attribute or any other attributes too?
Would be interesting to hear if it can be reproduced in other editors?
@plux Yes, all attributes it seems.
I submitted issue in Sublime-LSP, it is interesting to see what they think.
Would be interesting to hear if it can be reproduced in other editors?
quoting myself from that issue
I checked vscode, it keeps leading -. I asked about other editors and got the only reply that eglot in emacs also keeps leading -, but I can't treat it as a viable proof.
I'm wondering if anyone had some more time to look at this? There seem to be a hint in the Sublime LSP thread that this could be fixed in the Erlang language server configuration (using filterText
). Alternatively if anyone has a hint of where to start changing/debugging this suggestion, I could try myself (unfortunately I have no idea where to start...).
Hi @eproxus , I simply had no time for looking into this (and I missed the comment on the Sublime LSP thread). That may be worth a try. It's unlikely for me to tackle this before a couple of weeks, though.
@robertoaloi Thanks, I might look into it myself.
I tried the following changes:
diff --git a/apps/els_lsp/src/els_completion_provider.erl b/apps/els_lsp/src/els_completion_provider.erl
index 30c40ae..fa5fc1a 100644
--- a/apps/els_lsp/src/els_completion_provider.erl
+++ b/apps/els_lsp/src/els_completion_provider.erl
@@ -356,9 +356,9 @@ item_kind_file(Path) ->
-spec snippet(atom()) -> item().
snippet(attribute_behaviour) ->
- snippet(<<"-behaviour().">>, <<"behaviour(${1:Behaviour}).">>);
+ snippet(<<"-behaviour().">>, <<"-behaviour(${1:Behaviour}).">>);
snippet(attribute_export) ->
- snippet(<<"-export().">>, <<"export([${1:}]).">>);
+ snippet(<<"-export().">>, <<"-export([${1:}]).">>);
snippet(attribute_vsn) ->
snippet(<<"-vsn(Version).">>, <<"vsn(${1:Version}).">>);
snippet(attribute_callback) ->
@@ -403,6 +403,7 @@ snippet(attribute_compile) ->
-spec snippet(binary(), binary()) -> item().
snippet(Label, InsertText) ->
#{ label => Label
+ , filterText => re:replace(Label, <<"[-\\(\\)\\[\\]\\.]">>, <<"">>, [global, {return, binary}])
, insertText => InsertText
- Adding the dash to the actual
makes the behavior correct in Sublime LSP. Not sure what the behavior would be in VS Code or other editors though. - Adding a
property where extra characters are removed as suggested here broke erlang_ls completely for some reason (i.e. no completions work).
I think the correct approach is to use textEdit instead of insertText, I looked into implementing it, but it turned our to be harder than I anticipated so I never finished a working implementation, maybe someone with more spare time than me wants to look at it? :)
@plux Using textEdit
, erlang_ls would be responsible for inserting only the rest of the completion, skipping what was already typed? (If I understood it correctly)