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Confusing behaviour with eunit tests
I'd like to include lager logging for eunit tests but I'm having problems with even simple configuration. I'd like to see all logs in "log/tests.log" so I have one file handler set to debug.
However with this configuration nothing is logged. But if I add a lager:error
line in the test then some logging (but not all) appears.
My theory is the lager parse transform isn't working correctly with eunit which itself uses a parse_transform for exporting test functions.
Anyway, I've done a minimal sample application to demostrate (Erlang R21.3).
%% rebar.config
{deps, [{lager, "3.9.2"}]}.
{erl_opts, [
{parse_transform, lager_transform},
{eunit_opts, [{sys_config, "config/test.config"}]}.
%% config/test.config
{hello, [
{name, bob}
{lager, [
{log_root, "log"},
{handlers, [
{lager_file_backend, [{file, "tests.log"}, {level, debug}]}
{async_threshold, undefined}
%% src/hello.erl
hello() ->
{ok, Name} = application:get_env(hello, name),
lager:info("HELLO ~s", [Name]),
%% test/hello_tests.erl
hello_test() ->
lager:error("starting test", []), %% weird! without this nothing is logged
Result = hello:hello(),
lager:debug("Result = ~p", [Result]),
?assertEqual(ok, Result).
then rebar3 eunit
This gives me the output:
2022-06-21 14:19:23.384 [debug] <0.209.0>@lager_handler_watcher:127 Lager installed handler {lager_file_backend,"tests.log"} into lager_event
2022-06-21 14:19:23.386 [debug] <0.215.0>@lager_handler_watcher:127 Lager installed handler error_logger_lager_h into error_logger
2022-06-21 14:19:23.419 [error] <0.188.0>@hello_tests:hello_test:6
but no output without the "starting test" line, and neither info or debug events are ever logged.