lcov-to-cobertura-xml icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
lcov-to-cobertura-xml copied to clipboard

Converts lcov output to Cobertura-compatible XML for CI

Results 15 lcov-to-cobertura-xml issues
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Under certain circumstances, gcc seems to emit multiple symbols for ctors and dtors. This seems to be in adherence with the specification of the Itanium C++ ABI. A pretty good...

The package distutils is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12. We are using the function find_executable that belongs to that package. We should instead be using which from...

It says in the Py file itself that the license is in the accompanied file. However, I can only find a LICENSE file (without md), so this is hard...

MiniDom giving memory error. Can this script lcov-to-cobertura-xml be written using xml.etree instead of minidom?

There are some changes in the lcov version ``` FN:,(,)? ``` old version ``` FN:, ``` This should fix the issue and don't break user