videosubfinder-cli copied to clipboard
Install dependencies
- macOS
brew install [email protected] opencv@4 ffmpeg tbb
Ubuntu 20.04
NOTE: The static version does not require installation dependencies!
Build from sources
Ubuntu 20.04
Build from sources
see .github/workflows/build-darwin-x64.yml
Ubuntu 20.04
see Build/Docker/cpu/
Usage: VideoSubFinderCli [-h] [--verbose] [-c] [-r] [-ces <str>] [-i <str>] [-ovocv]
[-ovffmpeg] [-uc] [-dsi] [-s <str>] [-e <str>] [-te <double>] [-be <double>]
[-le <double>] [-re <double>] [-o <str>] [-nthr <num>] [-h]
-h, --help show this help message
--verbose generate verbose log messages
-c, --clear_dirs Clear Folders (remove all images), performed before any other steps
-r, --run_search Run Search (find frames with hardcoded text (hardsub) on video)
-ces, --create_empty_sub=<str> Create Empty Sub With Provided Output File Name (*.srt)
-i, --input_video=<str> input video file
-ovocv, --open_video_opencv open video by OpenCV (default)
-ovffmpeg, --open_video_ffmpeg open video by FFMPEG
-uc, --use_cuda use cuda
-dsi, --dont_save_images Don't save images
-s, --start_time=<str> start time, default = 0:00:00:000 (in format hour:min:sec:milisec)
-e, --end_time=<str> end time, default = video length
-te, --top_video_image_percent_end=<double> top video image percent offset from image bottom, can be in range [0.0,1.0], default = 1.0
-be, --bottom_video_image_percent_end=<double> bottom video image percent offset from image bottom, can be in range [0.0,1.0], default = 0.0
-le, --left_video_image_percent_end=<double> left video image percent end, can be in range [0.0,1.0], default = 0.0
-re, --right_video_image_percent_end=<double> right video image percent end, can be in range [0.0,1.0], default = 1.0
-o, --output_dir=<str> output dir (root directory where results will be stored)
-nthr, --num_threads=<num> number of threads used for Run Search
-h, --help show this help message
Example of usage:
chmod +x ./
./ -c -r -i "./test_video.mp4" -o "./ResultsDir" -te 0.5 -be 0.1 -le 0.1 -re 0.9 -s 0:00:10:300 -e 0:00:13:100
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