Erin Reeves
Erin Reeves
Suspect this is more "update readmes/docs for python-client". So working on that.
Followed steps in the python-client/scripts readme. Need more info on what the next steps would be. Such as which scripts a SME user should/would use. Perhaps 1 line summary of...
I was wanting to see this in the UI, do I need to be logged in to see the save/delete search dialog?
It looks like this merge is complaining about code coverage, btw.
Delete is broken: If I click delete it the saved search doesn't go to deselected, it acts like it's still saved. Plus if I click the save search again it...
Need more tests.
Questions: You can save a search without any text in there. Is this okay? It seems to behave as if you had named it. How hard would it be to...
Made a small change in Collections file to have it be clearer what was being returned.
Use Kibana?