0.30000000000000004 copied to clipboard
Floating Point Math Examples
Current link is broken, change to the url of latest version in doc.rs.
Apparently having square brackets in listing is not possible. I tried different forms of escaping them using \\, `, [ and html codes without success. Only switching syntax from listing...
I think the var dump is showing wrong all the test I have done in PHP 5.6.4 and 7.3.5 all show `float(0.3)`
Showing Powershell Floating Point addition with Variables
There are not that many examples of this in Data Analysis Expressions (DAX), It would be: `EVALUATE { VAR _sum = 0.1 + 0.2 // 0.30000000000000004 RETURN IF( _sum =...
A bug I filed about IEEE 754 documentation a while ago for MySQL: https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=57519 Support for NaN differs between MySQL and PostgreSQL. I didn't see any information about the 'special'...
I prefer this for readability, and it's already how they are written elsewhere in the README.
Use of the word `decimals` is confusing. For example: > In binary, 1 / 2, 1 / 4, 1 / 8 would all be expressed cleanly as decimals, while 1 ...