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ReactMail - An Example React.js App for Practical Learning Purposes
An Example React.js App for Practical Learning Purposes
Let me begin by saying that there are many great resources out there for learning React etc...
- Pete Hunt's react-howto: https://github.com/petehunt/react-howto
- Tyler McGinnis' React.js Program: http://www.reactjsprogram.com/
- React docs: https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/thinking-in-react.html
- Egghead.io Videos: https://egghead.io/technologies/react
- So many more...
My goal with this project, is for it to serve as a practical example that goes beyond a basic TODO list.
Contributions, Feedback, and Code Review are welcome! Please, feel free to reach out with any questions, suggestions for improvements, or ideally Issues and/or Pull Requests :)
The App
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start development servers (client + API)
npm start
# Run tests
npm test
Some Basic Features/Highlights. Hint: these should become tests :)
- Fetch data from JSON API (read)
- Submit data to the JSON API (write)
- Maintain local state
- View a listing of messages
- Text search
- "Sort by"
- Filter by "flagged"
- "Load More" (i.e. pagination)
- Toggle a message's "flagged" status
- Delete a message
- View a single message
- Toggle a message's "flagged" status
- Delete a message
- Navigate directly to
route and have appropriate message requested - Redirect back to "messages" when
is not found OR is deleted
- Animation via ReactCSSTransitionGroup
- Stateless Function Components
- React Class Components
- Reacting to state changes.
- See MessageBrowserContainer.componentDidUpdate for an example.
- Separating logic/http/state from presenation using "container" and "presentational" components
- See MessageBrowser.js and MessageBrowserContainer.js for an example.
- Read: Dan Abromov's Presentational and Container Components
- Read: Container Components
- Watch: Egghead.io Video
- Illustrate by example that JSX is merely a light layer of sugar on top of Javascript function calls.
- See Header.js for equivalent examples both with JSX and without JSX
React Router (2.x)
- Setup basic routes routes.js
- Utilize React component lifecycle to initiate our HTTP requests based on entry route
Setting up a React, ES6+, Webpack, Babel Environment
Just kidding. We'll let create-react-app do all of that for us :) This way we don't get hung up on the myriad of ways we could go about this.
A few commands to know:
npm install
: Install dependencies -
npm start
: Start development server (open your browser to http://localhost:3000/ and you should see the app running) -
npm test
: Run tests.
Communicating With a JSON API
Using axios, a Promise based HTTP client, we communicate with a JSON API (powered by json-server) to:
- Retrieve a resource listing (
)- Work with managing our "query parameters" for pagination, filtering, and search
- Retrieve a single resource (
GET /:id
) - Update a single resource (
PATCH /:id
) - Destroy a single resource (
Useful Libraries
- axios HTTP client
- lodash general Javascript utility library
- classsnames to make dynamic HTML classNames more pleasant
Running tests: npm test
- Test runner: jest
- Assertions (and spies): expect
- Unit testing React components with shallow rendering Enzyme
Unit tests live directly adjacent to the file under test. Example: