app-router copied to clipboard
Binding the actual selection
Hello together,
i struggled with the folowing idea.
In my polymer-app i have the folowing:
<template is="dom-bind" id="app">
<my-navigation-menu selected="{{router}}"></my-navigation-menu>
<app-router selected="{{router}}" trailingSlash="ignore">
<app-route path="/login" import="[...].html"></app-route>
<app-route path="/test" import="[...].html"></app-route>
and my my-navigation-menu looks like
<paper-menu class="list" selected="{{router}}" on-iron-select="onMenuSelect">
<a href="#/login">
<iron-icon icon="login"></iron-icon>
<a href="#/test">
<iron-icon icon="test"></iron-icon>
But the value of router is always "undefined". Is it possible to access the active value from <pp-router?
Thank you!
Does anyone has the same problem?
I used on-state-change event of app-router element to get notified and change the selected menu item depending on the selected path. Not sure if there's a better way. I tried it with polymer 0.5 but it should work same in Polymer 1.0 as well.
routeStateChange : function (e) { if(e.detail.path=="/login"){ this.$.list.selected = 0; } }