er.cache_buster.ee_addon copied to clipboard
Errors if target file is missing
The plugin throws PHP errors when the file that cache_buster references is missing. When logged in as a SuperAdmin these errors prevent the page from rendering. The errors reference line 52 of the plugin:
Severity: Warning
Message: filemtime() [function.filemtime]: stat failed for /Users/Rick/Sites/above_root/public_html/library/scripts/someScript.min.js
Filename: cache_buster/pi.cache_buster.php
Line Number: 52
Perhaps the plugin could check that the file exists before it does it's timestamp thing, or maybe just limit the errors to the template debugger (Derek Jones’ suggestion). Thanks.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll tweak the logic a bit to prevent those errors.
Awesome. Thanks Eric. Any chance of a heads-up once you've done that? It'd serve as a handy reminder to myself to download and apply the update, rather than checking Devot-ee repeatedly and then forgetting. Either way, many thanks.
Cache_buster is incredibly useful, by the way -- I never used EE's templates for cs or js, so the whole cache-busting thing was a bit of a faff, but that single plug-in means I never again have to tell a client to empty their browser cache (well, not for css or js, anyway). A default inclusion on every project for me.
Warmest regards; Rick
SHARK ATTACK LIMITED: A Design Studio +44 20 333 20200
6 Burroughs Gardens, London, NW4 4AU Registered in England & Wales, No. 3886438 VAT No. 982 2091 15
On 30 Jul 2015, at 13:51, Erik Reagan [email protected] wrote:
Thanks for the heads up. I'll tweak the logic a bit to prevent those errors.
Any chance of a heads-up once you've done that? It'd serve as a handy reminder to myself to download and apply the update, rather than checking Devot-ee repeatedly and then forgetting.
Absolutely. I'll post the update here in this Issue which I believe will notify you via email.
Fab. Thanks again Erik. Rick
SHARK ATTACK LIMITED: A Design Studio +44 20 333 20200
6 Burroughs Gardens, London, NW4 4AU Registered in England & Wales, No. 3886438 VAT No. 982 2091 15
On 30 Jul 2015, at 14:10, Erik Reagan [email protected] wrote:
Absolutely. I'll post the update here in this Issue which I believe will notify you via email.
Hi Erik, did this ever get updated? (And will the plugin as it currently stands work with EE3?)
Just a nudge on my last comment (from October 2015). Are there any plans to get this working with EE3? Or is it EE2-only now? (I'm really hoping for the former, since I've taken to using it in every project to serve up my flat .css and .js files).