multireducer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
multireducer copied to clipboard

A utility to wrap many copies of a single Redux reducer into a single key-based reducer.

Results 5 multireducer issues
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Is there a way to dynamically add/create copies? Using your universal example, if the user took an action to create a new counter-- how would a new copy of the...

Hello for everyone, i'm trying to introduce this example in my work, but it's not working. I need to have multiples multireducer key and i haven't succeeded. Can someone help...

Thought you might want to consider this: The solution I've settled on for this kind of thing in my own projects is to use the same reducer and action creator...

Hi @erikras I have used react redux universal template for my few project and found it very useful. I would like to update the dependencies. Can you guide me for...

I have a use-case where users can add Widgets to a dashboard on runtime. Any pointers on how to mount a reducer on the fly with multireducer would be helpful.