PyTorch-YOLOv3 copied to clipboard
Caught RuntimeError in DataLoader worker process 0 while running for COCO
command: python --weights_path yolov3.weights
Namespace(batch_size=8, class_path='data/coco.names', conf_thres=0.001, data_config='config/', img_size=416, iou_thres=0.5, model_def='config/yolov3.cfg', n_cpu=8, nms_thres=0.5, weights_path='yolov3.weights')
Compute mAP...
Detecting objects: 0%| | 0/625 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 99, in
i have same problem,how do you solve this problem?
i have same problem,how do you solve this problem?
hey, have u guys solved the problem yet?
hey, have u guys solved the problem yet?
I think it might actually be a memory issue but haven't confirmed it yet. I'm seeing this when I load a large number of training samples in at once, but my code runs fine on smaller sets.
This is definitely a PyTorch issue though, not unique to this repo.
I think it might actually be a memory issue but haven't confirmed it yet. I'm seeing this when I load a large number of training samples in at once, but my code runs fine on smaller sets.
This is definitely a PyTorch issue though, not unique to this repo.
Confirmed it's a memory issue. Once training starts I see my available memory drop steadily as the epoch progresses. I'm training using the GPU but something is being stored in regular memory during each epoch.
doing on colab but still getting error
Has anyone been able to solve this issue?