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Wireguard + Traefik docker-compose file. Use VPS IPv4 Address in your homelab.


A collection of settings that allow you to use a public IPv4 on a cheap VPS and self-host services on your own personal equipment. It does this by running wireguard and traefik in docker with shared networking. This allows traefik to act as an http/https proxy using your VPS IPv4 address.

This is for bootstrapping, it is not an end state.

This uses the official traefik image & the linuxserver.io wireguard image.


  • Stuck behind CGNAT
  • Your ISP blocks port 80/443


  • Docker network called dmz, containers in that network can be accessed by traefik.
  • LetsEncrypt settings for http validation
  • Wireguard and Traefik using Google, Cloudflare and Verisign for DNS
  • Cloudflare IPs as trusted forwarders
  • Legacy ciphers disabled ('A' Score on SSLlabs Test)
  • Wireguard Key generation
  • Healthcheck for Wireguard connection
  • iptables configuration for the VPS
  • Default IPs for both ends of the wireguard connection
  • Labels for watchtower / ouroboros to update correctly


  • VPS w/ public IPv4 address
  • A DNS record pointing to the IPv4 address of your VPS
  • A host without a public IPv4 address with docker installed


This works best with Ubuntu 20.04 since the kernel ships with wireguard support included. This has also been tested on Debian 10 since apt will install wireguard via dkms. I’m sure the apt commands could be replaced and adapted to other distributions fairly easily.

Docker Host (Your Machine)

This host must have docker & docker-compose installed.

  1. Install dependencies : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install apache2-utils wireguard
  2. Clone this repo : git clone <repo> ; cd v4raider
  3. Set up your environment variables - more info below : cp env.example .env
  4. Edit .env with your favorite editor and customize. You will require the interface name from your VPS. As well as have an A record that points to your VPS.
  5. Run the script to generate configs : ./setup.sh
  6. Create dmz network : sudo docker create network dmz
  7. Bring up wireguard and traefik : sudo docker-compose up -d

This will generate rules.v4 and server-wg0.conf for your VPS.

External Host (Your VPS)

This host will forward ports to your wireguard and traefik containers. Usually 80 and 443.

  1. Remove potential conflict. : sudo apt-get autoremove --purge ufw
  2. Allow ip forwarding : echo 'net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p
  3. Install dependencies : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install wireguard iptables-persistent
  4. Place files generated on your docker host in the appropriate location. You can scp the files into the appropriate location or just paste in the content with your favorite text editor. : server-wg0.conf goes to /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf on this host : rules.v4 goes to /etc/iptables/rules.v4 on this host
  5. Load iptables : sudo iptables-restore /etc/iptables/rules.v4
  6. Start wireguard : sudo systemctl enable --now wg-quick@wg0

What now?

Nothing, you're done! Your traefik dashboard should be accessible externally now. Navigate to https://<DNS NAME>/ and enter the username and password you set in the .env file.

What about other containers?

Add these settings to your docker-compose.

      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.<service>.entrypoints=https"
      - "traefik.http.routers.<service>.rule=Host(`<service>.mydomain.tld`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.<service>.tls=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.<service>.tls.certresolver=http"
      - "traefik.http.routers.<service>.service=<service>"
      - "traefik.http.services.<service>.loadbalancer.server.port=<Docker Port>"
      - dmz

    external: true

You can go to the whoami directory and change line 10 of the docker-compose.yml to a CNAME (or second A record) pointing to your VPS. It's ready to go with a docker-compose up -d.

Environment File

Be sure to follow the example as closely as possible. Do not use quotes around variables as docker-compose will choke on it.

Parameter Function
LE_EMAIL Email address for LetsEncrypt registration
TIMEZONE Local time zone ex: America/Los_Angeles
FORWARDED_PORTS Usually 80,443
EXT_INTERFACE External interface of your VPS, ens192 or eth0
WG_HOSTNAME The A record pointing to your VPS
WG_PORT UDP port for Wireguard
AUTH_USER Traefik Dashboard Username
AUTH_PASSWORD Traefik Dashboard Password
DOCKER_DATA_PATH Where wireguard and traefik will store config

If you set DOCKER_DATA_PATH, be sure to copy over the traefik and wireguard subdirectories included after running ./setup.sh on step 5.