dolphin copied to clipboard
This project was moved to do-community/dolphin
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Dolphin is a command line tool created for quickly bootstrapping environments based on pre-defined models, using Ansible to automate server setup.
It is built for CLI ONLY, in "vanilla" PHP, with no user-land library dependencies. Composer is required for setting up autoload, and Curl is required for the API work.
Dolphin uses DigitalOcean as cloud provider.
Note: This is a WORK IN PROGRESS.
- PHP (cli)
- Composer
- Curl
- Valid DigitalOcean API Key (R+W)
Via Git
First, clone this repository with:
git clone
Now go to Dolphin's directory and set the permissions for the executable:
cd dolphin
chmod +x dolphin.php
Run composer install
to set up autoload:
composer install
A config.php
file is created upon installation with Composer. Edit the contents of this file and adjust the values accordingly:
return $dolphin_config = [
'THEME' => 'default',
// DigitalOcean API Token
//Default Ansible server group
'DEFAULT_SERVER_GROUP' => 'servers',
//Cache location relative to doc root */
'CACHE_DIR' => 'var/cache',
//Cache expiry time in minutes
//Default Droplet Settings
'DO' => [
'D_REGION' => 'nyc3',
'D_IMAGE' => 'ubuntu-18-04-x64',
'D_SIZE' => 's-1vcpu-1gb',
'D_TAGS' => [
// Optional - SSH key(s) to be included for the root user in new droplets.
// Uncomment and add your own key(s) - ID or Fingerprint
// You can list your registered keys with: ./dolphin fetch keys
//'D_SSH_KEYS' => [
//Default Ansible Settings
'ANSIBLE_USER' => 'sammy',
'PLAYBOOKS_DIR' => 'playbooks',
Now you can execute Dolphin with:
./dolphin.php [command] [sub-command] [params]
For an overall look of commands and sub-commands, run ./dolphin.php help
Installing Globally: (optional)
If you'd like to use dolphin out of any directory in a global installation, you can do so by creating a symbolic link to the dolphin executable on /usr/local/bin
. Please notice this will only work for your current user, who owns the dolphin
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/dolphin /home/erika/Projects/dolphin/dolphin.php
Droplet Commands: dolphin droplet
The following commands can be used to manage droplets.
Listing Droplets
dolphin droplet list
This will show a list with your DigitalOcean droplets (ID, name, IP, region and size).
140295122 ubuntu-1804-01 ams3 s-1vcpu-2gb
140295123 ubuntu-1804-02 ams3 s-1vcpu-2gb
140295124 ubuntu-1804-03 ams3 s-1vcpu-2gb
142352633 mysql-wordpress sgp1 s-2vcpu-4gb
142807570 ubuntu-s-1vcpu-1gb-ams3-01 ams3 s-1vcpu-1gb
Getting Information About a Droplet
dolphin droplet info DROPLET_ID
The output will be a JSON will all the available information about that droplet.
Creating a New Droplet
Uses default options from your config file, but you can override any of the API query parameters.
Parameters should be passed as name=value
items. If you don't provide a name, it will be automatically generated for you.
Creating a new droplet with default options and random name:
dolphin droplet create
You will see output like this:
Creating new Droplet...
Your new droplet "fine-shark" was successfully created. Please notice it might take a few minutes for the network to be ready.
Here's some info:
id name region size image created at
155243337 fine-shark fra1 s-2vcpu-4gb ubuntu-18-04-x64 2019-08-17T06:20:35Z
It will take a few moments before the network is ready and you're able to SSH or run droplet deployer
on that server. To get the IP address, run this command after a few seconds:
dolphin droplet list --force-update
This will show an updated list of your Droplets, including the newly created one.
Now let's say you want to use a custom name, region and droplet size:
dolphin droplet create name=MyDropletName size=s-2vcpu-4gb region=fra1
Check the DigitalOCean API documentation for more information on all the parameters you can use when creating new Droplets.
Destroying a Droplet
You can obtain the ID of a Droplet by running droplet list
to list all your droplets.
dolphin droplet destroy DROPLET_ID
Checking for Information: dolphin fetch
To get a list of all available regions you can use when creating a new Droplet, use:
dolphin fetch regions
New York 1 nyc1 1
San Francisco 1 sfo1 1
New York 2 nyc2 1
Amsterdam 2 ams2 1
Singapore 1 sgp1 1
London 1 lon1 1
New York 3 nyc3 1
Amsterdam 3 ams3 1
Frankfurt 1 fra1 1
Toronto 1 tor1 1
San Francisco 2 sfo2 1
Bangalore 1 blr1 1
To get a list of all available sizes you can use when creating a new Droplet, use:
dolphin fetch sizes
512mb 512MB 1 20GB 1TB $5
s-1vcpu-1gb 1024MB 1 25GB 1TB $5
1gb 1024MB 1 30GB 2TB $10
s-1vcpu-2gb 2048MB 1 50GB 2TB $10
s-1vcpu-3gb 3072MB 1 60GB 3TB $15
s-2vcpu-2gb 2048MB 2 60GB 3TB $15
s-3vcpu-1gb 1024MB 3 60GB 3TB $15
2gb 2048MB 2 40GB 3TB $20
s-2vcpu-4gb 4096MB 2 80GB 4TB $20
4gb 4096MB 2 60GB 4TB $40
c-2 4096MB 2 25GB 4TB $40
m-1vcpu-8gb 8192MB 1 40GB 5TB $40
s-4vcpu-8gb 8192MB 4 160GB 5TB $40
g-2vcpu-8gb 8192MB 2 25GB 4TB $60
gd-2vcpu-8gb 8192MB 2 50GB 4TB $65
m-16gb 16384MB 2 60GB 5TB $75
8gb 8192MB 4 80GB 5TB $80
c-4 8192MB 4 50GB 5TB $80
s-6vcpu-16gb 16384MB 6 320GB 6TB $80
g-4vcpu-16gb 16384MB 4 50GB 5TB $120
To get a list of all registered SSH Keys you can use when creating a new Droplet, use:
dolphin fetch keys
23936699 heidislab e7:51:a3:7e:e1:11:1b:d1:69:8e:98:3d:45:5f:7f:14
Deployer Commands: dolphin deployer
The deployer
module can be used to run set up remote servers using Ansible playbooks.
A basic library of playbooks is included in the playbooks
folder, but users are encouraged to create their own playbook library.
Getting Ansible version
dolphin deployer info
Ansible Version:
ansible 2.8.3
config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = [u'/home/erika/.ansible/plugins/modules', u'/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible
executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
python version = 2.7.15+ (default, Nov 27 2018, 23:36:35) [GCC 7.3.0]
Playbooks Dir:
Ping a Host
dolphin deployer ping fine-shark
If you need to provide a different remote user than the one specified in your configuration file, you can do so by providing the user
dolphin deployer ping fine-shark user=root
Listing Available Scripts (Playbooks)
dolphin deployer list
Deploy Scripts Currently Available
default for ubuntu1804
lemp for ubuntu1804
You can run a script with: ./dolphin deployer run [script] on [droplet-name]
Running a Script on a Droplet
dolphin deployer run lemp on fine-shark
This will initiate the playbook execution on that host. Optionally, you can provide a user
parameter to set the remote user when running the Ansible commands on the host:
dolphin deployer run default on fine-shark user=root
Tips & Tricks
Manipulating Cache
To optimize API querying and avoid hitting resource limits, Dolphin uses a simple file caching mechanism.
To force a cache update, include the flag --force-update
dolphin droplet list --force-update
If instead you'd like to enforce cache usage and not query for new results even if the cache timeout has been reached, you can use:
dolphin droplet list --force-cache
Using the Dynamic Inventory Script with Ansible
If you'd like to use the dynamic inventory feature of Dolphin while running native Ansible commands and playbooks, you can use the included hosts.php
dynamic inventory script, and you can also generate a static inventory file using the dolphin inventory
Using the included Dynamic Inventory Script
The included hosts.php
script works as a dynamic inventory script that can be used directly with Ansible commands.
ansible all -m ping -i hosts.php
Building a static Inventory File
You can generate dynamic inventories in INI or JSON format. The inventory is dynamically built based on your current active droplets.
To generate a JSON inventory, run:
./dolphin ansible inventory json
"servers": {
"hosts": [
"all": {
"children": [
"_meta": {
"hostvars": {
"docker02": {
"ansible_host": "",
"ansible_python_interpreter": "/usr/bin/python3"
"docker03": {
"ansible_host": "",
"ansible_python_interpreter": "/usr/bin/python3"
"docker04": {
"ansible_host": "",
"ansible_python_interpreter": "/usr/bin/python3"
"test1": {
"ansible_host": "",
"ansible_python_interpreter": "/usr/bin/python3"
To generate an INI inventory, run:
./dolphin ansible inventory ini
docker02 ansible_host=
docker03 ansible_host=
docker04 ansible_host=
test1 ansible_host=
If you want to save this as a static inventory file:
./dolphin ansible inventory > inventory
Then you can run Ansible with:
ansible-playbook -i inventory myplaybook.yml