blam copied to clipboard
What happens after running offline launch?
I get the following message after running the test_offline.launch:
[ INFO] [1564378653.642062540]: /blam/blam_slam/BlamSlamOffline: Finished processing bag file, 99.998530 percent of real-time.
It just hangs after that..
I am confused as to what is supposed to after after completing this process. I am looking to save a PCD file of the map generated or some other from of the map.
BLAM does not run visualization by default. It uses rviz for this purpose, which must be started separately.
When running BLAM, in a separate terminal, this command, replacing "path" with the path to your blam-master directory: rviz -d /path/blam-master/internal/src/blam_example/rviz/lidar_slam.rviz
From here you can use screenshots to capture images.
To get the trajectory data, I have been using this python script. It is a modified version of a script to capture the trajectory of another SLAM program, loam velodyne. It simply captures the trajectory data sent by BLAM over ROS and writes it to a file.
@eric26009 You can use
rosrun pcl_ros pointcloud_to_pcd input:=/blam/blam_slam/octree_map_updates
to make PCD files of messages coming to the /blam/blam_slam/octree_map_updates topic.