Hey @aaron-prindle could you elaborate the ask of this issue? I tested v2 events api with getting_started example by running ``skaffold dev --rpc-port=8080 --event-log-file=logs.json --rpc-http-port=9090`` then run command to send...
ohhh I see! Thank you!
created a doc for events migrations
Hi @oversizedhat . Thank you for the feedback. I think you're right. Dependencies are owned by command, if a dependency change, only the command owns should be run. The expected...
Hi @aaron-prindle looks like generatePipeline is not implemented in V2. Implementing that seems to require a large effort, should we create another issue for implementing the feature? Or, we don't...
@marlon-gamez could you provide more insights on this one?
Hi @mecampbellsoup Please start with a design doc. However, we're not able to provide guidance on the implementation at the moment.
I deleted `` kubeContext: docker-desktop`` from skaffold.yaml as I don't have that k8s context. I cannot reproduce the issue after that.
@DerGary my bad.. I was assuming that you're using ``minikube`` as kubernetes cluster for local development. Using minikube works for your test project on my machine, however I'm able to...
@DerGary @kevin-hanselman Kustomize deployer reads k8s config to get default namespace to build status check monitor, can you try run ``kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=default`` to set current namespace to...