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Feature Request: Remove and delete data - add confirmation dialog
Many times I have deleted a finished torrent by accident.
Ref I am not sure I like this, but I can see the use case.
I'd really really like this feature....
Just managed to delete 10Gb of downloads by accident because the delete with data pops in ghe same place as the garbage icon.... an accidental double tap and its gone in a blink.
It either needs a confirm or at least move the popup so it is midscreen avoiding the double tap issue.
Off to redownload 10Gb of files.... :-(
I know this is an old request but it's something I would like too. I spent about a week downloading a really old emulator from a few peers and in my haste I deleted the whole thing. ☹️ I think for the amount of times people would choose to delete with data it's not a bad option to have 'just in case'