flymake-ruff icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flymake-ruff copied to clipboard

flymake plugin for ruff linter



Flymake plugin to run a linter for python buffers using ruff

Make sure you have at least ruff 0.1.0 version because there is a breaking change in the output format flag


Cloning the repo

Clone this repo somewhere, and add this to your config:

(add-to-list 'load-path "path where the repo was cloned")

(require 'flymake-ruff)
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook #'flymake-ruff-load)

Using use-package

(use-package flymake-ruff
  :ensure t
  :hook (python-mode . flymake-ruff-load))

Using straight.el

(use-package flymake-ruff
  :straight (flymake-ruff
             :type git
             :host github
             :repo "erickgnavar/flymake-ruff"))

Using flymake-ruff with eglot

To use flymake-ruff together with eglot, you should add flymake-ruff-load to eglot-managed-mode-hook instead. For example:

(add-hook 'eglot-managed-mode-hook 'flymake-ruff-load)

Or, if you use use-package:

(use-package flymake-ruff
  :ensure t
  :hook (eglot-managed-mode . flymake-ruff-load))

Excluding Pyright diagnostic notes

Pyright has some diagnostic notes that overlap with diagnostics provided by ruff. These diagnostic notes can't be disabled via Pyright's config, but you can exclude them by adding a filter to eglot--report-to-flymake. For example, to remove Pyright's "variable not accessed" notes, add the following:

(defun my-filter-eglot-diagnostics (diags)
    "Drop Pyright 'variable not accessed' notes from DIAGS."
    (list (seq-remove (lambda (d)
                        (and (eq (flymake-diagnostic-type d) 'eglot-note)
                             (s-starts-with? "Pyright:" (flymake-diagnostic-text d))
                             (s-ends-with? "is not accessed" (flymake-diagnostic-text d))))
                      (car diags))))

(advice-add 'eglot--report-to-flymake :filter-args #'my-filter-eglot-diagnostics))