wickedpicker copied to clipboard
how set default 2:35 PM
from date : 6:35 AM
end date : 2:35 PM
how set default 2:35 PM ?
It takes 24 hours format only, if you want to set 2:35 PM then you must set the value of "now attribute" to "14:35"
example is given bellow
var options = { now: "14:35" , //hh:mm 24 hour format only, defaults to current time
twentyFour: false, //Display 24 hour format, defaults to false
upArrow: 'wickedpicker__controls__control-up', //The up arrow class selector to use, for custom CSS
downArrow: 'wickedpicker__controls__control-down', //The down arrow class selector to use, for custom CSS
close: 'wickedpicker__close', //The close class selector to use, for custom CSS
hoverState: 'hover-state', //The hover state class to use, for custom CSS
title: 'Best time to call', //The Wickedpicker's title,
showSeconds: false, //Whether or not to show seconds,
secondsInterval: 1, //Change interval for seconds, defaults to 1 ,
minutesInterval: 1, //Change interval for minutes, defaults to 1
beforeShow: null, //A function to be called before the Wickedpicker is shown
show: null, //A function to be called when the Wickedpicker is shown
clearable: false, //Make the picker's input clearable (has clickable "x")