Eric Janofski
Eric Janofski
Correction, an image on s3 will display as an image in a column if the disk is set: ```php $this->crud->column('file_name')->type('image')->disk('s3'); ``` I tried hacking that into the field definition, but...
Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, after running this composer change the same issue persists. The image filename is stored in the database, but the edit form displays a broken...
Okay, I'm happy to keep digging. I'd rather use the built in field over a javascript custom field anyway! Can you share where I would put @dd()? If i add...
Good morning, I'm still having this issue even with the branch: composer require backpack/pro:"dev-fix-image-s3-adapter as 2.0.99" After I upload an image with PageManager I see this: ![Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 6...
Hey there, I'll let the laravel opine on whether or not it's a bug. I resolved my s3 uploading needs by creating a custom field for images and a custom...
Yep, i made a custom field based on the image and file upload fields. I was wrong in saying I used an api route, I think I had trouble with...