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A recipe for deploying a Symfony application on the Google Kubernetes Engine

= Symfony application on GKE :author: Your Name :email: your@email :revnumber: 0.3 :revdate: 2021-10-15 :revremark: :version-label!: :sectnums: :toc: :toclevels: 3 :imagesdir: docs/architecture-images :source-highlighter: highlightjs :highlightjsdir: ../github/highlight // Unfortunately Github doesn't support include statements ifndef::env-github[] include::docs/README.config.adoc[] endif::[] ifdef::env-github[] // Copy the included section :GCP_PROJECT: myproject-123456 :GCP_REGION: us-central1 :GCP_ZONE: us-central1-c :PROJECT: myproject :GITHUB_REPO: myproject :GITHUB_ACCOUNT: myorganization :WEB_URL: :GKE_CLUSTER: myproject endif::[]

== Architecture

=== What is this for?

This is a recipe for deploying a Symfony application on the Google Kubernetes Engine. It includes all the configuration files and build scripts.

It is based on the implementation notes of a recent project. I tidied them up so that they could be shared. Hope this helps.

How to use it:

  • Download the repo
  • Prepare your local and remote infrastructure as explained on this page
  • Install composer.json
  • Customize sf/composer.json if needed and composer install
  • Adapt the conf/env files to your environments
  • Adapt the docs/README.config.adoc files to your project configuration
  • Start developing your Symfony application

=== Principles

Key principles underlying this design:

. Adhere to the 12-factors principles . Identical application code deployed in local and remote environments . Near-identical infrastructure code deployed in local and remote environments . Ready to deploy on the GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine)

=== Assumptions

. Code repository in a private Github repo (the code is easy to adapt if your code sits somewhere else) . A web reverse proxy has been deployed in the GKE cluster, behind a service of type LoadBalancer (see[this recipe] for deploying an Apache+Letsencrypt web server

=== Architecture overview

==== Local architecture image::architecture-local.png[]


  • Kubernetes cluster on Minikube, with Virtualbox VM back-end
  • Includes its own Docker environment
  • The data volumes on the host are mounted on the /hosthome VM location, where they are visible to the Kubernetes cluster. From there they can be mounted as persistent volumes onto the container
  • Connect to a MySQL database on the host, external to the cluster

The application manages two types of content files:

  • Public files, served directly by the web proxy server
  • Private files, subject to access control, served by the Symfony application
  • File storage abstraction using Flysystem, in local mode

==== Remote architecture image::architecture-remote.png[]


  • GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) Autopilot cluster
  • GCP Docker image registry
  • Permanent storage on Google Cloud Storage buckets, public buckets for public files, private buckets for private files
  • Connect to Google Cloud SQL/ MySQL database

Application content files:

  • Public files are served directly by the web proxy server, proxying to Cloud Storage buckets API (public buckets)
  • Private files are served by the web application from private buckets
  • File storage abstraction using Flysystem, in gcloud (Cloud Storage) mode

We use Cloud Shell to build and deploy releases, with PHP Deployer scripts:

  • Pull project files from Github repo
  • Build Docker images, push images to the GCP Registry
  • An init container pulls Symfony files from Github and builds the Symfony application, calling composer install
  • Update GKE deployment manifest with new image tag

==== Identical code

With this recipe, we have identical Symfony application code and Kubernetes services, deployments and cronjobs definitions across all environments, local as well as remote.

All differences between environments are reflected in project-level .env configuration files.

==== Limitations

The architecture is suited for a relatively simple web application, with relatively modest traffic and SLAs, or a MVP.

The limitations, deliberate for a simple project, can easily be extended as needed as follows.

Here we assume that an Apache server in reverse proxy mode is deployed on a free tier Compute Engine VM. For bigger sites one would typically use HTTPS Load Balancers which are expensive.

[cols="3*", options="header"] |=== |Limitation |Rationale |How to extend

|Sessions stored in the container |Single pod so no need to implement session affinity |Implement session affinity in the load balancer or reverse proxy + Alternatively store session information in Google Cloud Memorystore (managed Redis service)

|Symfony logs stored locally |Monolog configured to send emails at a certain alert level |Send Symfony logs to Stackdriver

|Partial CI/CD |Deployment by manual execution of a Deployer script in Cloud Shell + (Github web hooks cannot access Cloud Shell) |Deploy Jenkins on GCP + Use Cloud Source Repository instead of Github

|No test automation in the deployment |Functional tests are executed locally prior to committing |Add test tasks to the Deployer script

|Single pod used for web and batch |Load on web pod can accommodate batch jobs |Deploy a separate pod dedicated to batch jobs

|Symfony Mailer does not yet supports multiple asynchronous transports |Limitation of the current Mailer version; expecting this to be fixed soon ([Issue]) +

For low volumes a single transport suffices

=== Environments

Environments are defined by two meta-parameters

  • HOST_ENV: ** local (developer's laptop) ** remote (GCP)
  • APP_ENV: ** any name: dev, master, prod, oat, etc. ** avoid reusing the same name in both a local and a remote environment, since Symfony will use override configuration files based on the APP_ENV name; those overrides are likely to be different in a local and a remote deployment

Symfony configuration .env files are named using these two meta-parameters, and named .env.{APP_ENV}.{HOST_ENV}, such as .env.oat.remote.

.env file contain all environment parameters needed by either Docker, PHP Deployer or Symfony.

They contain all environment-specific parameters except secrets.

Symfony looks at OS environment variables when it can't find an environment variable in the Symfony .env file.

In the local environment, the Symfony working directory is mounted externally on the container, thus code changes are visible immediately.

To switch between environments in the local hosting:

  • Copy the relevant .env file from conf/env to the Symfony root folder sf
  • Check out the master or dev branch (or feature branch as the case may be)
  • (the .env file is built by the build process, not committed to source control)

In the remote (GCP) environments, the build process selects the relevant Symfony .env file and ADD's it to the Docker container.

=== Folder structure

The project folder structure is as follows:

[cols="1,2,2", options="header"] |=== |Folder |Contents |Comments

|<root> |Project root, git root |

|{vbar}-- assets |Assets to build with Webpack Encore |css, js

|{vbar}-- build |Deployment built artefacts (on local deployments) |Is emptied at the beginning of a build process. Gitignored

|{vbar}-- conf |Project configuration files |

|{nbsp}{nbsp}{nbsp}{vbar}-- deployer |PHP Deployer scripts, Deployer hosts configuration |

|{nbsp}{nbsp}{nbsp}{vbar}-- docker |Docker image templates |Web and batch components

|{nbsp}{nbsp}{nbsp}{vbar}-- env |Environment variables |Depend on <HOST_ENV> and <APP_ENV>

|{nbsp}{nbsp}{nbsp}{vbar}-- infra |Container configuration file templates |Apache, PHP, msmtp + Docker images include the dockerize script, which substitutes environment variables at container build time

|{nbsp}{nbsp}{nbsp}{vbar}-- k8s |Kubernetes manifest templates: service, deployment, cronjob |Depend on <HOST_ENV>

|{vbar}-- docs |Project documentation |

|{vbar}-- sf |Symfony project root folder |The Symfony .env file is built dynamically at build time based on dynamically selected .env.<HOST_ENV>.<APP_ENV> file

|{vbar}-- vendor |PHP libraries used by Deployer |Managed by Composer, distinct from PHP libraries of the Symfony application which are managed under the sf folder |===

==== Deployer[Deployer] is a simple deployment tool written in PHP. It is open source and free. It contains pre-defined recipes designed for traditional FTP deployments; those are not useful in a Kubernetes context, so we wrote new scripts from scratch.

We use Deployer scripts to:

. Generate service/ cronjob manifests (usually done only once) . Generate deployment manifests (usually done only once) . Deploy new container version (done at every release, only remotely)

We run Deployer scripts on:

  • local laptop for local environment
  • Cloud Shell for GCP environments

The scripts take the parameters:

  • TAG: ** In remote environments, a git tag version is pulled from Github and deployed ** In local environment: 'current'. The container needs only rebuilding infrequently, as it mounts the Symfony working directory, obscuring the ADD directive in the Dockerfile, thus serves whatever is currently checked out in the working directory. Note that we use 'current' instead of 'latest' as 'latest' forces a rebuild of the container, which we don't want locally.

Outline of the remote build process:

. Execute an initialisation container which: .. Checks out the tagged version from Github (into a detached branch) .. Copies relevant Symfony application files from source .. Copies the relevant .env.<APP_ENV>.remote file to both build/.env and to sf/.env .. Warms up the Symfony application cache, which is needed by the PHP Opcache directive and must exist at the time the web container starts . Build the application container: .. Passing the build/.env as environment parameters .. ADD the Symfony application and cache files from the init container .. COPY infrastructure configuration templates .. RUN dockerize on infrastructure configuration templates (see next section) .. docker push the new container to the GCP container registry . Build a deployment manifest to build/deployment.yml. This manifest contains the new container tag .. Apply the updated Kubernetes deployment manifest


  • In the web container, the Apache user (www-data) has user:group id 1000:33, whereas in the init container it has user:group id 33:33. This explains the chown commands in the initialisation container
  • Another approach would be to use the GCP native Cloud Build service (but this is less portable)
  •[SSH key as secret]

==== Infrastructure configuration

The following container infrastructure files are templated. Running dockerize interpolates placeholders in the templates with variables from the Docker build .env file.

[cols="1,2,2", options="header"] |=== |Template |Target file in container |Contents

|msmtp.logrotate |/etc/logrotate.d/msmtp |msmtp logrotate configuration

|msmtprc |/etc/msmtprc |msmtp configuration. + Note that the SMTP password is not stored in clear but obtained from an OS environment variable.

|php.ini |/usr/local/etc/php/php.ini + /etc/php/7.3/apache2/php.ini |php.ini for CLI and the Apache PHP module

|ssh_config |/.ssh/config |Location of the SSH key to the Github private repo. Used by the webinit initialisation container to build the Symfony application files

|virtual-host.conf |/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/virtual-host.conf |Single virtual host for the web application |===


  • For more info on dockerize,[see].
  • See also conf/docker/Dockerfile.PHP.example for a typical Docker RUN command with commonly used PHP libraries. Adapt as needed.

==== Secrets management

We use two types of secrets:

  • Kubernetes secrets, mounted onto containers: ** MAILER_PASSWORD: SMTP account password ** API_KEY: API key used by the cron service
  • Symfony application secrets, packed into a single SYMFONY_DECRYPTION_SECRET Kubernetes secret: ** APP_SECRET: encryption key ** DB_PASSWORD: MySQL account password ** MAILER_PASSWORD: SMTP account password

The MAILER_PASSWORD secret, although used by the Symfony application, is needed outside the Symfony environments, to send emails via the batch cron container.

With this container build process, secrets only exist as container OS environment variables.

See:[Managing Symfony secrets]

== Symfony application

=== Proxies

In order for the application to correctly reads the headers forwarded by the web reverse proxy.


framework: ... trusted_proxies: '%env(TRUSTED_PROXIES)%' trusted_headers: ['x-forwarded-for', 'x-forwarded-host'][See] for reference.

=== Batch jobs

A Symfony application is typically used in two modes: online requests and batch jobs.

For this recipe we use a single container to serve both.

We define batch jobs as Kubernetes cronjobs. Those jobs do the following:

  • Instantiate a simple Alpine/curl container in the cluster
  • The container command sends a curl GET request to the application pod inside the cluster
  • The request is handled by a normal Symfony controller
  • Complete job and log the job status depending on the HTTP response (200 or 500)

Note that in a traditional, non-containerized Symfony application we would implement Console Commands in the controller, triggered by command line php calls, scheduled by a cron job. We can't do this with Kubernetes, since the Kubernetes cronjob cannot execute remote shell commands on the container and is limited to sending HTTP requests.

A simpler alternative is to define cron jobs inside your web proxy container, calling application containers using the same API endpoints.

=== Sending emails

To send emails, we use the following components:

  • The Symfony Mailer library to create emails
  • The Symfony Messenger to queue emails in the database
  • The msmtp MTA (message transfer agent) to send emails
  • Kubernetes cronjobs to process Messenger queues

The new Mailer library replaces the deprecated SwiftMailer library and is now the recommended library for new projects.

For transport the Symfony application does not establish a SMTP connection to the remote SMTP server, but instead sends messages to a local MTA running in the container. We use msmtp as MTA. msmtp is a popular successor to sendmail, easier to configure, with a sendmail-compatible API. The benefits of using a MTA are:

  • The messages are sent to the remote SMTP server by the MTA background process, not PHP scripts
  • The MTA handles exceptions well, such as SMTP server unavailable or returning errors.

Here we configure two asynchronous transports:

  • realtime_mailer for high priority emails (e.g. confirmation after registration)
  • batch_mailer for low priority emails (e.g. batch newsletter)

These transports are configured in Sendmail mode.

The process of sending an email is the following:

  • A Symfony controller action (online or batch) generates an email, indicates the transport method (high or low priority)
  • The Messenger component puts these messages in either queue in the database
  • The Messenger component processes these two queues in batch mode and sends the emails to the msmtp MTA (which runs on the same container) ** The high priority batch job runs every 2mn with a time-out of 100s. If not all queued emails are processed, the next run starting 20s after will pick them up ** The low priority batch job runs every 20mn
  • The MTA sends the emails to the remote SMTP server roughly in the order it has received them.

See previous section for how cronjobs are implemented in Kubernetes.

In the messenger configuration file we define the queue where to put emails. Here we use the application database to persist the queues (other methods are available, notably Redis). We pass the queue_name argument to indicate the queue.

We also define a dead-letter queue where failed messages will be logged. This will be rare as it is the MTA that is likely to fail while sending emails instead of the Symfony application.

.config/packages/messenger.yaml [source,yaml]

        # Uncomment this (and the failed transport below) to send failed messages to this transport for later handling.
        failure_transport: failed

            failed: 'doctrine://default?queue_name=failed'
            # sync: 'sync://'
            batch_mailer: 'doctrine://default?queue_name=batch_mailer'
            realtime_mailer: 'doctrine://default?queue_name=realtime_mailer'

                # Route your messages to the transports
                'Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\SendEmailMessage':  realtime_mailer

In the mailer configuration file we define the action to take when actually sending an email. Usually this is either a SMTP DSN string or Sendmail. Here we use Sendmail. The native://default option uses the sendmail_path setting of php.ini, itself defined as /usr/bin/msmtp -t -v. See infra configuration files.

.config/packages/mailer.yaml [source,yaml]

framework: mailer: transports: #main: '%env(MAILER_DSN)%' realtime_mailer: 'native://default'

Mailer is a new library, and has currently some limitations that we expect to be remediated soon:

  • No support for multiple async transports ([See])

The msmtp configuration is defined in the conf/infra/msmtprc.tpl template file. It contains:

  • SMTP account details
  • The password is not stored in clear but is defined by a shell command: "echo $MAILER_PASSWORD"
  • Location of the msmtp log file

=== File storage

For application user file management we use the Flysystem library, which provides filesystem abstraction across a number of storage mechanisms.

  • The local environment uses the local adapter (local file system)
  • The GCP environment uses the gcloud adapter (Cloud Storage).

The application code to read/ write files is identical in all environments. Only the environment configuration changes. The storage mechanics are abstracted from the application. The application uses get and put methods for file paths on a virtual file system.

Typically the application needs to manage:

  • Public files, served directly by the web proxy without access control
  • Private files, subject to access control, and served by the Symfony application
  • Each for local and remote file storage

Hence four adapter configuration:

.config/packages/flysystem.yaml [source,yaml]

            adapter: 'local'
                directory: '%kernel.project_dir%/../local-storage/%env(GCS_PRIVATE_BUCKET)%'
            adapter: 'local'
                directory: '%kernel.project_dir%/../local-storage/%env(GCS_PUBLIC_BUCKET)%'
            adapter: 'gcloud'
                client: 'Google\Cloud\Storage\StorageClient' # The service ID of the Google\Cloud\Storage\StorageClient instance
                bucket: '%env(GCS_PRIVATE_BUCKET)%'
                prefix: ''
                api_url: ''
            adapter: 'gcloud'
                client: 'Google\Cloud\Storage\StorageClient' # The service ID of the Google\Cloud\Storage\StorageClient instance
                bucket: '%env(GCS_PUBLIC_BUCKET)%'
                prefix: ''
                api_url: ''
        # Aliases based on environment variable
            adapter: 'lazy'
                source: 'storage.private.%env(STORAGE_ADAPTER)%'
            adapter: 'lazy'
                source: 'storage.public.%env(STORAGE_ADAPTER)%'

Thus Symfony creates four "real" services (, etc) corresponding to these four adapters.

We do not use these services but dynamic "alias" (lazy) services storage.private and storage.private which depend on the environment.

To use these services in a controller:


use League\Flysystem\FilesystemInterface;

class MyController extends AbstractController { /** @var FilesystemInterface $storagePublic Public storage adapter */ private $storagePublic;

/** @var FilesystemInterface $storagePrivate Private storage adapter */
private $storagePrivate;

public function __construct(
    FilesystemInterface $storagePublic,
    FilesystemInterface $storagePrivate
) {
    $this->storagePublic = $storagePublic;
    $this->storagePrivate = $storagePrivate;

public function myAction(
    Request $request
) {
    $this->storagePrivate->put($file_path, $content);

On local hosting:

  • External persistent folders on the host are mounted on the Minikube cluster, and in turn mounted as persistent volumes on the container
  • The root of the virtual file system is the mount point of the persistent volume in the container
  • The application read/writes to these folders using the local adapter

On GKE hosting:

  • We use Cloud Storage buckets for storage
  • The root of the virtual file system viewed from the application is the bucket
  • The application read/writes to these buckets using the gcloud adapter, which uses API calls to Cloud Storage
  • The buckets must be configured for ACL access as the Symfony application will use a GCP service account to access the buckets.

The CDN_URL environment variable is used by the application to create URLs to public assets that are served directly by the web proxy, outside the application.

== Local environment

In the local environment we instantiate a Kubernetes engine using the Minikube package.

=== Minikube

. Install kubectl . Install[minikube] via direct download . Bind mount the host folders used to persist application user data host folder to /home, which is accessible from within the Minikube cluster as /hosthome

Increase the default CPU allocated to the cluster VM (2CPU) to 4CPU:

minikube delete minikube config set cpus 4 minikube start

.In the local shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

sudo mount --bind /opt/data/storage-buckets /home/storage-buckets
&& sudo mount --bind /opt/data/projects/myproject /home/myproject

&& minikube start --driver=virtualbox --cpus 4
&& minikube tunnel

Then optionally open the minikube dashboard in a browser:

.In the local shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

Open the minikube dashboard in a browser

minikube dashboard

The dashboard is very handy.

On Linux, from within the minikube cluster, the host does not have a DNS name. This is available on MacOS hosts (name is host.docker.internal). There is a[pull request] to this effect.

You have to use the host IP address instead.

=== Docker context

Before building containers (docker build) ensure you are in the correct context. Minikube has its own Docker engine running inside its Virtualbox VM, distinct from that of the laptop host.

.In the local shell: [source,bash]

switch to the Minikube VM context (must be run in each new terminal session)

eval $(minikube docker-env)

switch back to local Docker context

eval $(minikube docker-env -u)


  • I tried to use Minikube with --vm-driver=none, so that it would use the host Docker engine, but it didn't work and probably never will
  • The Minikube cluster node is visible in the host at (the port is randomly assigned at minikube startup).

=== Kubernetes context

You will be switching between the local and GKE Kubernetes contexts. Ensure you are in the correct context before firing kubectl apply commands.

.In the local shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

kubectl config get-contexts



        minikube                                         minikube

To switch to another context:

kubectl config use-context gke_{GCP_PROJECT}{GCP_REGION}{GKE_CLUSTER}


kubectl config use-context minikube

== GCP environment

=== GCP project

Set project defaults:

.In the local shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

gcloud config set project {GCP_PROJECT} gcloud config set compute/region {GCP_REGION} gcloud config set compute/zone {GCP_ZONE}

Generate SSH keys, store them locally in ~/.ssh/.

Copy the keys in your Cloud Shell ~/.ssh/ folder.

=== Cloud Shell

We use Cloud Shell as a build and deployment environment

.In the Cloud shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

set project

gcloud config set project {GCP_PROJECT}

clone the project repo:

git clone [email protected]:{GITHUB_ACCOUNT}/{GITHUB_REPO}.git

install the Deployer vendor libraries

cd {PROJECT} && composer install

To avoid having to reinstall Deployer at every new session, add the following lines to your Cloud Shell customize_environment file:


#!/bin/sh curl -LO sudo mv deployer.phar /usr/local/bin/dep sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dep

It is useful to SCP to Cloud Shell. Note that paths must be absolute. Use the --recurse flag for recursive copying.

.In the local shell: [source,bash]

To copy a remote directory to your local machine:

gcloud alpha cloud-shell scp


gcloud alpha cloud-shell scp

==== Install PHP 7.3[See]

.In the Google Cloud shell: [source,bash]

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install php7.3 php7.3-cli php7.3-mbstring php7.3-curl php7.3-xml php7.3-zip php7.3-curl sudo update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.3

TO DO: replace the PHP CLI install by a Docker container... nicer and cleaner

==== Github SSH key[See]

Create a new SSH key labelled "{PROJECT}-vm" locally. Register it on Github. Also create a corresponding config file:

.In the local ~/.ssh/config file, append: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

Host User git Hostname PreferredAuthentications publickey IdentityFile ~/.ssh/{PROJECT}-vm_rsa

==== Composer

Composer is used to manage dependencies for PHP Deployer.

.In the Google Cloud shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

PHP Deployer

cd ~/{PROJECT} composer install


cd sf composer install

=== Cloud storage

It is a good practice to create bucket names that are domain names associated to your project, as it guarantees global unicity.

This requires domain ownership verification:

  • In the Google Search Console, add Property: {WEB_URL}
  • In your domain name DNS manager, add a TXT record with the provided text.

Create the following buckets:

  • app.{WEB_URL}: private data, live site
  • app-test.{WEB_URL}: private data, test site
  • cdn.{WEB_URL}: public data, live site
  • cdn-test.{WEB_URL}: public data, test site

Set bucket access control policy to ACLs, since the PHP flysystem API will use a service account to access the Cloud Storage API.

To make buckets public:

.In the local shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

gsutil iam ch allUsers:objectViewer gs://cdn-test.{WEB_URL} gsutil iam ch allUsers:objectViewer gs://cdn.{WEB_URL}

Using Chrome, upload folders/ files using the Cloud Storage console or the gsutil cp command.

Example of commands to copy files at the command line from local and remote environments:

.In the local shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

local to remote

gsutil cp * gs://cdn.{WEB_URL}/dir

remote to local

gsutil cp gs://cdn.{WEB_URL}/dir/* .

remote to remote

gsutil cp gs://cdn.{WEB_URL}/dir/* gs://cdn-test.{WEB_URL}.org/dir

=== Cloud database

==== Create the database

On the Gcloud SQL Console, create DB instance called {PROJECT}-db (MySQL 5.7):

Create Database:

  • Character set/ Collation => utf8mb4/ utf8mb4_unicode_ci
  • Connectivity: Private IP

Don't use the recommended collation for MySQL 8.0 utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci as it is not supported on MySQL 5.7.

Note down the DB instance external IP address ( You will use it in your .env configuration files.

==== Test connectivity from VPC

Instantiate temporarily a Compute Engine VM in the same VPC.

Install the mysql CLI: apt-get update && apt-get install -y mysql-client-5.7

.In the VM shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

root user - enter password at prompt

mysql -u root -p -h

application user - enter password at prompt

mysql -u {PROJECT}_dev -p -h


  • You can't connect from the Cloud Shell, as it is outside the project VPC.

==== Create DB accounts

On the Gcloud SQL Console > Users > Create MySQL user accounts:

  • {PROJECT}_dev
  • {PROJECT}_master

Allow from any host (%)

Apply GRANT commands as required by your application. A typical one would be:

.In the MySQL shell: [source,mysql]


==== Application service account

Create a {PROJECT}-dev Cloud IAM service account for the application. Add roles:

  • Storage > Storage Object Admin
  • Cloud SQL > Cloud SQL Client

The service account is named {PROJECT}-dev@{GCP_PROJECT}

Create a JSON key associated to this account => {GCP_PROJECT}-abcdef123456.json.

==== Import a database

To import a database, instantiate a temporary VM.

All tables must be in the InnoDB format.

. Export the DB in SQL format with Adminer or PhpMyAdmin . SCP the SQL file to the VM:

.In the local shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

gcloud compute scp

[start=3] . Import the DB:

.In the temporary VM shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

mysql -u root -p -h {PROJECT}_dev < /tmp/{PROJECT}_dev.sql

==== Artifact Registry

The Container Registry is deprecated. Use the Artifact Registry instead.

  • In the Console > Artifact Registry, create a repo named {GCP_PROJECT}
  • In Cloud Shell run gcloud auth configure-docker {GCP_REGION}
  • Assign role "Artifact Registry Writer" to your service account

=== GKE

==== Create the cluster

Create an Autopilot cluster. Workload identity is enabled by default.

==== Bind the service account

Creating the cluster creates automatically:

  • A default namespace
  • A Kubernetes service account (kubectl get serviceaccount --namespace default). At this stage this service account controls access only within the cluster.

The Kubernetes service account needs to access Google resources, so we bind it to the application Google service account previously created.

.In the local shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding
--role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser
--member "serviceAccount:{GCP_PROJECT}[default/default]"

Add corresponding annotation to the Kubernetes service account:

.In the local shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

kubectl annotate serviceaccount
--namespace default

Verify that the service account is configured correctly by running a test container provided by Google:

.In the local shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

kubectl run -it
--image google/cloud-sdk
--serviceaccount default
--namespace default

.In the container shell: [source,bash]

gcloud auth list

This should display a single Google service account, the one bind'ed earlier. This is the service account the pod will use to access GCP services.

Once done, delete the workload-identity-test pod.

== Deployment

=== Deploy locally

==== Secrets

Create your secrets for each environment in a safe location outside the project directory.

Naming convention: secrets.<HOST_ENV>.<APP_ENV>.yml Those are in the form:

./secrets/ [source,yaml,subs=attributes+]

apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: {PROJECT}-{APP_ENV}-sf-secrets type: Opaque data: # php -r 'echo base64_encode(base64_encode(require "config/secrets/dev/dev.decrypt.private.php"));' SYMFONY_DECRYPTION_SECRET: YWJjZGVmZ2h1aWRVQUlQR0RBWkVQVUlJVUdQ # echo -n 'secret1' | base64 API_KEY: c2VjcmV0MQ== # echo -n 'secret2' | base64 MAILER_PASSWORD: c2VjcmV0Mg==

Deploy Kubernetes secrets locally:

.In the local shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

cd dir kubectl config use-context minikube kubectl apply -f kubectl apply -f secrets.local.master.yml

==== Cronjobs

To execute cron jobs we instantiate a very simple Docker Alpine image with the cUrl library.

.In the local shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]


Set Docker and Kubernetes contexts to Minikube

eval $(minikube docker-env)

Build the Docker cronjob image

docker build -f build/Dockerfile.cronjob -t k8s-cronjob:current .

==== Services

We build services manifests with PHP Deployer and deploy them using kubectl. This is usually done only once.

.In the local shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]


Set Docker and Kubernetes contexts to Minikube

kubectl config use-context minikube

Deploy services (dev environment)

php vendor/bin/dep --file=conf/deployer/deploy.php
--hosts=localhost gen-service -o APP_ENV=dev kubectl apply -f build/service.yml kubectl apply -f build/cronjob.local.yml

Deploy services (master environment)

php vendor/bin/dep --file=conf/deployer/deploy.php
--hosts=localhost gen-service -o APP_ENV=master kubectl apply -f build/service.yml kubectl apply -f build/cronjob.local.yml

==== Releases

The web application container mounts the Symfony working directory. There is no need to rebuild the container, unless, say, you need to add a PHP library. Just switch git branches as needed.

The Minikube web application is visible on the host at: (adapt the port number)

=== Deploy on GKE

We use Cloud Shell to build and deploy on GKE.

==== Pull the repo

.In the Cloud shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

git clone [email protected]:{GITHUB_ACCOUNT}/{GITHUB_REPO}.git cd {PROJECT}

==== Secrets

Deploy Kubernetes secrets. Here those are the same as for the local environment.

.In the local shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

cd your-secrets-dir

Switch to GKE context

kubectl config use-context gke_{GCP_PROJECT}{GCP_REGION}{GKE_CLUSTER} kubectl apply -f secrets.oat.remote.yml kubectl apply -f

==== Cronjobs

Push the Alpine/cUrl image to GCR:

.In the Cloud shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

cd {PROJECT} docker build -f conf/docker/Dockerfile.cronjob -t k8s-cronjob:current . docker tag k8s-cronjob:current{GCP_PROJECT}/k8s-cronjob:current docker push{GCP_PROJECT}/k8s-cronjob:current

==== Services

Deploy services manifests:

.In the Cloud shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]


Switch to GKE context

kubectl config use-context gke_{GCP_PROJECT}{GCP_REGION}{GKE_CLUSTER}

Deploy services (OAT on test.)

php vendor/bin/dep --file=conf/deployer/deploy.php
--hosts=remote gen-service -o APP_ENV=oat kubectl apply -f build/service.yml kubectl apply -f build/cronjob.remote.yml

Deploy services (Prod on www.)

php vendor/bin/dep --file=conf/deployer/deploy.php
--hosts=remote gen-service -o APP_ENV=prod kubectl apply -f build/service.yml kubectl apply -f build/cronjob.remote.yml

==== Releases

The release process is as follows:

. Git tag a release version . Push the tag to Github . In the Cloud Shell git pull . Execute the Deployer script; this: .. Builds a new container with a Docker tag identical to the git tag .. Applies an updated deployment manifest with the new Docker tag


.In the local shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

tag a commit locally

git tag 0.4

push tags

git push origin --tags

.In the Cloud shell: [source,bash,subs=attributes+]

Deploy new version - Test

cd {PROJECT} php vendor/bin/dep --file=conf/deployer/deploy.php --hosts=remote deploy-remote
-o APP_ENV=dev -o TAG=0.4

Deploy new version - Prod

cd {PROJECT} php vendor/bin/dep --file=conf/deployer/deploy.php --hosts=remote deploy-remote
-o APP_ENV=master -o TAG=0.4

== References

Some random resources that I found useful. Not all apply to this recipe.

=== Docker[The Blowb Project - Deploy Integrated Apps Using Docker] (Not used in this article but looks like it has many good ideas)

=== Kubernetes

=== GKE

=== Symfony

=== Mailer