Eric Hexter
Eric Hexter
the navigation route is just a system.web route. so you would do this the same way you would with standard mvc route. add the data token in the routes. /{ln}/home/...
so you should do something like /{locale}/{controller} in the route.... I current dont have support for tokens with the strongly typed route helpers but the string based ones should support...
I know there is a nuget package that add html5 inputs for all the editor templates.. under the hood mvc will look for razor views in the /views/shared/editortemplates/(type).cshtml. So, providing...
great job following thru this. So, all this being said; this package is to make it easier to use bootstrap in mvc. It is perfectly fine to just write the...
we can add a install.ps1 that validates the mvc version and shows a warning if it does not work. Eric Hexter blog | info | On Thu, Nov...
1could parse the packages.config 2. walk the dll references in the project using the DTE 3. use the nuget command get-package mvc | expand the version property and compare it....
can you provide a pull request or a failing unit test? Eric Hexter blog | info | On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 4:32 AM, srnux [email protected] wrote:...
awesome.. i will add a project and unit tests in the for this extension code and add the appropriate code to support the key attribute Eric Hexter blog |
You can change that method to find your id field by your convention. On Saturday, July 20, 2013, eljeanc wrote: > Im having the same problem described but in muy...
If you name your properties Id or key or some other predictable way you can do it that way, the views support the name id now. That is how I...