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Slumbot betsize error
b200b1103c/b940c/ b200b1103c/b940c/b778b6957 Sending incremental action: b13136
{'old_action': 'b200b1103c/b940c/b778b6957', 'action': 'b200b1103c/b940c/b778b6957b13136b17957', 'client_pos': 0, 'hole_cards': ['Ah', 'Qc'], 'board': ['Qh', 'Jd', '6s', 'Ks']} Action: b200b1103c/b940c/b778b6957b13136b17957 Client hole cards: ['Ah', 'Qc'] Board: ['Qh', 'Jd', '6s', 'Ks'] Error parsing action b200b1103c/b940c/b778b6957b13136b17957: Bet too small
b13136 is my action which is legal(minraise), b17957 is slumbot's action, same as Allin, however api judge its bet size error
There was a bug in the script that was fixed in March. If you're using that script (or code derived from that script), you may be running into that issue. The script on the website now should be correct. To verify, the correct code has this line:
remaining = STACK_SIZE - total_last_bet_to
The old buggy code was:
remaining = STACK_SIZE - street_last_bet_to