Eric Fode
Eric Fode
The goal of this fiddle is to allow me to get a list of all of the entities in :ericfode.copic so that i can retract the duplicates. The server side...
``` [[:db/add "hyperfiddle.tempid-2106757690" :fiddle/renderer "(let [{:keys [:hypercrud.browser/fiddle]} ctx]\n [:pre (js/pprint-str (group-by first (hyperfiddle.api/data ctx)))])\n\n"] [:db/add "hyperfiddle.tempid-2106757690" :fiddle/query "[:find\n ?color ?e\n \n :where\n [?e :ericfode.copic/color ?color]]"] [:db/add [:fiddle/ident :ericfode/copic-collection] :fiddle/query "[:find\n...
Dear kind maintainer, This may simply need none of your attention and can probably be closed, but just in case input validation strikes your fancy. I some how decided that...
Whoever you are, I have been looking for an updated version of this library for ages. if you could put an ETH/devtip/Open Collective I would love to send you a...
When I use lein-doo runner with cljs.spec it improperly displays the output from instrumentation. All of the newlines are escaped. (running on nodejs)
Becuase people who don't speak English might want it.
``` Connecting to https://REDACTED/ Token derived from /home/fodee/.vault-token-REDACTED Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/fodee/src/clerk/.env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/aomi/", line 466, in main action_runner(parser, args) File "/home/fodee/src/clerk/.env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/aomi/", line 445, in action_runner template_runner(client.connect(args), parser, args)...
To help contributors (and our selves not make typos)