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Render your http errors in your layout reducing the need for static files.

Tired of seeing this screen.

= The Problem

It is just a static file. So if you have the time you can craft a {cute error message}[]. But you are pumping through applications and you don't have time to provide a custom error for each app. So you leave the default. It is jarring as it doesn't fit with the the site you have created. Wouldn't it be great if these errors just used the layout like everything else? This way if fits with your application without any extra effort.

= The Solution

Install this gem and your error are rendered like any other action in your application using the full Rails infrastructure including layout! You end up with less static files, less copy and pasting and a more seemless experience for your end user.

= Installation

  1. Add "gem 'better_exception_app'" to your Gemfile
  2. Run "bundle install"
  3. Delete public/404.html, public/422.html and public/500.html

= What if my layout generates an error?

Errors in the 4xx range (404 for example) can assume dynamic generation of the error page is safe. These errors are client errors and imply nothing is wrong with the server.

Even most error in the 5xx range is safe as the error is confined to a specific issue on the server. The exception to this is a 500 error. This is a generic error and it could mean things are so borked that even the error page won't render right. So although you can have a 500 error dynamically render, to be safer you might want to still have this as a static file. But that doesn't mean you can't take advantage of your layout! When things are working just run:

rails g better_exception_app:static_error_page internal_server_error

This will generate a static file that will be served up in the event of a 500 error but the static file will be generated using your layout (which is working at the moment). Re-generate periodically to keep in sync with the dynamic layout.

= Static Files

The generator makes it obvious that the static files still work. In fact you can use the generator to generate static copies of all your common error codes. You might want to do this for better performance of those error pages. Or maybe you need a static file for another system (like Apache).

We have in fact enhanced the static files in two ways:

  • Since there are a lot of HTTP status codes (especially if you start providing locale specific versions), you can now place them all in the public/errors directory to keep them grouped. The public/ directory is still supported for backwards compatability.
  • Naming the files 404.html, 422.html, 500.html, etc can be a bit cryptic. So we also support naming them by their HTTP name. So you can use not_found.html, internal_server_error.html, etc. Of course the number format is still supported if you prefer that. In fact our generator can do both (make the final argument a number and it will generate the file as a number).

= Locale Specific Errors

Rails already supported locale specific error messages by naming the file after the locale requested. So for example 500.en.html. We have extended that support by integrating with the i18n API. This means all error messages are stored in locale.yml files. The provides two nice features:

  • We can add new languages with time. Then apps using this gem will be able to provide locale-specific error responses with no work.
  • If you don't like a pre-packaged error message you can easily override in your own locale files.

= A Bit of Background

In old versions of Rails there was a mismatch of things to help you customize and deliver pretty error messages (rescue_action_in_public, rescue_from, etc.).

Rails 3 made this even messier by moving some stuff up to the Rack layer making it more effort to catch some errors (routing errors, etc.).

Rails 3.2 finally brought an end to this madness by allowing an application to define a Rack application which will handle errors. This application can examine both the HTTP status and the actual exception to determine the best UI to present. It even included {a default app}[] that reproduced the historical behavior of Rails.

This default app is pretty simple. It only looks at the HTTP status and not the exception. The exceptions are converted to a HTTP status through a fairly simple workflow:

  • Gems (including core ones like ActiveRecord) register exception classes, such as {ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound}[] with {config.action_dispatch.rescue_responses}[] to map an exception to a HTTP symbol.
  • The HTTP symbols are {defined by rack}[] to produce the final number.

The default app just looks at the resulting number and reads the file by the same name (possibly taking localization and format requested into account). So while useful at emulating the old behavior (i.e. deliver files called 404.html, 422.html and 500.html under public/) it is somewhat incomplete (other status codes are not convered) and doesn't take full advantage of the new infastructure.

This gem uses the new functionality in Rails 3.2 to take it to the next level.