Eric Wieser

Results 440 comments of Eric Wieser

Did the internal maintainers of the "PrettyLights" syntax highlighter make any progres on this?

`vendor/grammars/Lean.tmbundle` is no longer part of the repo so can be removed from this list.

`syntaxes/lean-markdown.json` is copied from a vs-code markdown grammar, and modified to exit the markdown scope early, to support things like ``/- a comment with unpaired `markdown syntax -/`` without ``...

I've some local changes which might be relevent to that end, but they're gated on #1427 being merged.

Perhaps exposing system tasks to communicate with the python logger would be useful too, since we removed the connection from the default ones. IMO, there is little value to a...

It's not clear to me what the point of cocotb is in that picture - is any user python code running at all?

For reference, pytest exposes this via the `request` fixture: ``` def test_name1(request): testname = ``` That likely can't inform a cocotb API all that much sadly

Seems I re-reported this as #636: ```python >>> BinaryValue(12).integer 12 >>> BinaryValue(12, bigEndian=False).integer 12 >>> BinaryValue(12, bigEndian=False, bits=8).integer 12 >>> BinaryValue(12, bits=8).integer 192 # ??? - the bits of 12...

I'd be inclined to reopen this - the distinction between the simulator console and the terminal stdout is annoying, and it would be great if we could at least document...

For some reason `simulator.register_value_change_callback` is failing, and unfortunately it doesn't propagate a reason