Eric Wieser

Results 440 comments of Eric Wieser

> The sympy people looked at my code and traced the error Do you still have a copy of that code anywhere? All I can see is c4ec67804afb18dd3d15903aa1143726544df9a3, which has...

I found the mailing list thread at!searchin/sympy/brombo%7Csort:date/sympy/x9nD3huSRBU/YQfj0XOiAgAJ, and pushed the code to Google GroupsGoogle Groups allows you to create and participate in online forums and email-based groups with...

This looks like an incompatibility between symengine and sympy to me: ``` File "/home/circleci/galgebra/galgebra/", line 324, in _build_metric_element return Rational(s) File "symengine_wrapper.pyx", line 1591, in symengine.lib.symengine_wrapper.Rational.__new__ TypeError: __new__() takes exactly...

This looks like a case where calling `deepcopy` probably doesn't make sense in the first place: ``` File "/home/circleci/galgebra/galgebra/", line 408, in __init__ metric.Metric.__init__(self, bases, **kwargs) File "/home/circleci/galgebra/galgebra/", line 683,...

There are more errors than that, they're just hidden under "more"

Ah, you're using the new GUI which has no "more" button any longer.

> We could easily ... fix it Agreed, an upstream patch to symengine is likely the way to go.

Hi! It's great to see some interest in galgebra. It's not clear to me exactly what you're proposing here; what do you want the graphic interface to do, and what...

Thanks for the report. Here I think is a simpler reproduction (which is built on top of #454): ```python >>> from import Ga >>> g2 = Ga('e_x e_y', g=[1,1])...