Eric Burel

Results 245 comments of Eric Burel

> That is an interesting solution. The trick is storing which window to unhide and sending the signal to that window. I have some ideas... You mean when having multiple...

Hi, if I get it correctly, the error "Error: Instance Exited before being ready and without throwing an error!" can be explained by Mongo binary not being downloaded on "mongodb-memory-server"...

Here's a pastebin of the debug logs if that can be of any help: I will dig them more thoroughly and edit this message if needed Edit: smells like...

Can reproduce on Ubuntu 22, it's totally random though. Using a short timeout is better, as retrying fixes the issue most often. So it seems that if it should fail,...

Just to provide more context I tried this `nginx.conf`: ``` server { listen 80; listen 443 ssl; server_name; return 301$request_uri; } server { listen 80; listen 443 ssl;...

At the DNS level it is usually not a real redirection, only a CNAME/ALIAS. It may lead to issues with CORS because you are not really redirected. Some DNS providers...

Hi everybody, I am trying to write a plugin to enable daily mongo backup on AWS. You can take a look at the code: Though its not very general...

Hi, you have to install mongodump within the Docker container if you want to setup the cron directly in your app. This way you can use Node and Meteor to...

`cleanUrls` seems to break everything for me: ![image](

See for a reproducible minimal example