Results 21 comments of Ergün KOÇAK I could not find the video i guess apple removed it. I can send over wetransfer the video in case you like. It helped me a lot

Until fix release, if anyone had same problem can implement onclicklisteners manually **after** dialog initialization : ``` java buttonMale = (ImageButton) findViewById(; buttonMale.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view)...

It is easily reproducable in Example project by chaging the **models** in [DoughnutDemo.swift]( to : ```Swift let models = [ PieSliceModel(value: 0.1, color: colors[0]), PieSliceModel(value: 0.2, color: colors[1]), PieSliceModel(value: 0.3,...

@i-schuetz I will try to fix. Any inputs will be appreciated. Where to check for intersections, suggestions etc.. :)

I created a pull request:

There is clear but it may not work time to time as well :(

For Swift 3: `stepper.addTarget(self, action: #selector(stepperValueChanged(_:)), for: .valueChanged)` ``` @objc func stepperValueChanged(_ sender: SnappingStepper) { sender.thumbText = "\(Int(sender.value))" } ```