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A practical true Shot Noise generator

A Practical True Shot Noise Generator

This repository generates true shot noise while taking into consideration image sensor Full-well and resolution. It is described in Medium article FDFE

Getting Started

These instructions will explain how to use the Practical True Shot Noise Generator project.


  • MATLAB >=2015a

Project Structure

  • photoelectrons2graylevel.m - function to convert number of photoelectrons into pixel gray level value
  • graylevel2photoelectrons.m - function to convert pixel gray level value into number of photoelectrons
  • custome_poissrnd.m - a Possion process random number generator based on Donald Knuth -

Running the sample code

Now you should main.m to make sure that the project works correctly.

The test takes a clean image as input and produce half clean half noisy image.


Contributions are always welcome! Please read the contribution guidelines first.
