Eric Renfro
Eric Renfro
So, this problem exists in KDE 5.18.4 from Kubuntu 20.04. On KDE Neon, It was 5.22.4. 5.18 the blur effect did not work. 5.22 it did. This work around, though...
Well, the problem is, *-xfce-git depends on *-common-git, specifically. It worked, until upstream moved "README and LICENSE" files to proper install paths. I have reported the problem to upstream AUR...
I too am seeing this, all because in HAproxy I'm using port 8443 as my ProxyProtocol port to nginx to grav. Cause you can't run ProxyProtocol on the same port....
The st-mqtt-bridge doesn't have discovery for HA. You'll have to configure every mqtt device individually in HA.
@TingPing This is what I get trying to run that flatpak: ``` libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast libEGL warning: DRI2:...
flatpak install flathub org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-390-48 Fixed the above issue.
Further investigations has provided some useful information on this. Apparently ID=fedora, is not the same as lsb_release -si's Fedora. Case problem.
Further investigations, this is a common issue overall. `lsb_release -si` on Pop! OS shows Pop, but os-release is `ID=pop`. Linux Mint is `Linuxmint` and `ID=linuxmint` -- So this seems to...
Hang on, this requires at least Bash 4.0 to work, so I may have to go with the more "POSIX" friendly version of lowercasing.
awk is viable as well, yes. I could also fix #430 as well, with a method I looked over, just a couple lines that looks at ID_LIKE and ID, which...