vim-ios copied to clipboard
need to auto. disable when not in the mac platform. for now it will just prompt error
diff --git a/plugin/ios.vim b/plugin/ios.vim
index 5168ab6..0e64256 100644
--- a/plugin/ios.vim
+++ b/plugin/ios.vim
@@ -10,6 +10,12 @@ if !has('ruby')
+if !has('unix')
+ finish
+elseif !(system('uname') =~ 'Darwin')
+ finish
let s:LibPath = expand('<sfile>:h:h') . '/lib'
execute "ruby $:.push('" . s:LibPath . "')"
execute "ruby require 'ios/vim'"
Cool, thanks!
What's the error on non-Mac? Is it that 'xcrun' isn't in the path? If so, I'd rather catch that directly.
yes ~ just because xcrun cannot found