dotfiles copied to clipboard
eraserhd's dotfiles
Manual Installation Steps (Still)
Install developer tools (clone https:// URL prompted me)
git clone
manually install homebrew by running the line in script/boostrap
Install Nix multi-user:
sh <(curl -L
nix-env -i gnupg git-crypt
Manually brew install 1Password
Scan code from phone code - entered code in app, actually
gpg --import --allow-secret-key-import private-key.txt # downloaded from 1Password
gpg --import public-key.txt # downloaded from 1Password
git crypt unlock (working directory needed to be clean, needed to git reset --hard from failed git submodule update)
ssh-add ./networking/ssh/files/id_rsa
was building for the wrongs system, changed hostname for macbook and changed system to aarch64-darwin, but the twou package no longer worked because the flake doesn't have support for it, so commented it out.
nix build --extra-experimental-features "nix-command flakes" ./#darwinConfigurations#C02CW0J5ML87.system
./result/sw/bin/darwin-rebuild switch
chsh -s /run/current-system/sw/bin/zsh
Switch remote to [email protected]:eraserhd/dotfiles.git ('cause we now have SSH).
nix-env -e gnupg
nix-env -e git-crypt
Found no ~/src/data, reran git/ by itself. "authenticity of host ' (nn.nn." from SSH!) Why?
1p, needed to "Enable integration with 3rd Party Apps"
2021 Crunch
- Install NixOS with WPA config
- nix-env -i kakoune git gnupg
- git clone dotfiles
- Set programs.gnupg.agent.enable = true; nixos-rebuild switch (pinentry problem)
- reboot, because the above doesn't appear to fix it
- Set programs.gnupg.agent.pinentryFlavor and enableExtraSocket (not sure which)
- Lots of systemctl --user restart gpg-agent
- git crypt unlock -- works!!