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TS-FSM is a strongly typed finite state machine for TypeScript that is using async operations. Library uses generics to take the user states and events. Zero dependencies!
TypeScript State Machine (TS-FSM)
Finite state machines are useful for modeling complicated flows and keeping track of state. TS-FSM is a strongly typed finite state machine for TypeScript that is using promises for async operations. I'm using this state-machine as a simple replacement for redux in some ReactJs based apps. Check it out here
- TypeScript native (ES6)
- Only 1 KB (minified) and zero dependencies !!!
- Promises are used for async transition completion
- Generics for states and events types
- Simple tabular state machine defnition
- Hooks after state change and on error
- Use on server or NodeJs or client (!IE)
# git clone https://github.com/eram/ts-fsm.git ts-fsm
# cd ts-fsm
# npm install
# npm test
Basic Example:
I'm modeling a "door" here. One can open the door, close it or break it. Each action is done asych: when you open it goes into opening state and then resolved to open state etc. Once broken, it reaches a final state. Note that the same code can be run in Javascript, just remove the generics.
// these are the states and events for the door
enum States { closing = 0, closed, opening, open, breaking, broken }
enum Events { open = 100, openComplete, close, closeComplete, break, breakComplete }
// lets define the transitions that will govern the state-machine
const transitions = [
/* fromState event toState callback */
tFrom(States.closed, Events.open, States.opening, onOpen),
tFrom(States.opening, Events.openComplete, States.open, justLog),
tFrom(States.open, Events.close, States.closing, onClose),
tFrom(States.closing, Events.closeComplete, States.closed, justLog),
tFrom(States.open, Events.break, States.breaking, onBreak),
tFrom(States.closed, Events.break, States.breaking, onBreak),
tFrom(States.breaking, Events.breakComplete, States.broken, justLog),
// initialize the state machine
const door = new StateMachine<States, Events>(
States.closed, // initial state
transitions, // array of transitions
// the actions are async and return a promise:
// transition callbacks
function onOpen(): Promise<void> {
return door.dispatch(Events.openComplete);
function onClose(): Promise<void> {
return door.dispatch(Events.closeComplete);
function onBreak(): Promise<void> {
return door.dispatch(Events.breakComplete);
// synchronous callbck is also ok
function justLog(): void {
// we are ready for action - run a few state-machine steps...
new Promise(async (resolve) => {
// open the door and wait for it to be open
await door.dispatch(Events.open);
door.getState(); // => States.open
// check if the door can be closed
door.can(Events.close); // => true
// break the door async
door.dispatch(Events.break).then(() => {
// did we get to a finite state?
door.isFinal(); // => true
// door is now in breaking. It cannot be closed...
try {
await door.dispatch(Events.close);
assert("should not get here!");
} catch (e) {
// we're good
// let the async breaking complete
setTimeout(resolve, 100);
Beautiful! Comments and suggestions are welcome.