tremotesf-android copied to clipboard
Feature request : tips
Hello, Could you add little tips in the navigation : e.g In servers category ; " Click on the server to modify their properties " for example ! Because I got lost the first time I wanted to modify them. Up to you next ! Thanks for the debugging btw :)
bump. Fantastic, simple app btw. I love that it works and I can even add magnet .torrent links from my android phone to my Merlin/Asus-wrt router and the only entware package I needed to install was transmission-cli-openssl. No more need for the additional transmission-web install; this is important to me because although I share internet access with my housemates, we are using my router and NAS and they still think transmission is uninstalled since the web gui is inaccessible.
& (to bandwagon with @cleme29) another part of the server editing UI that I would really appreciate would be a button that duplicates/backs up /copys the server settings as kind of a template kind of thing so that I could use the settings on other transmission servers
maybe by long pressing on an option it would show what that button performs in a small translucent window.
the other thing I just thought of is that there could be a button for "apply settings" when you are on the server editing page. seems like sometimes the options dont stick and having a obvious button labeles save/apply would really help