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Daily note should use your template in .obsidian/daily-notes.json
🚀 The feature, motivation and pitch
If obsidian.nvim seeks to replicate the behavior of the existing obsidian core plugins, this would be a really nice feature to have.
"folder": "Daily",
"template": "Templates/Daily",
"autorun": false
and use that template to generate as opposed to a mandated file.
Don't know of any alternatives other than editing the source, and might as well just edit it for everyone's support.
Additional context
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I'd like to try to implement this, with your permission!
That would be awesome! Please do!
@CamdenClark did you implement it? :smile:
@CamdenClark i'll implement this in a week, i hope.
But reading .obsidian/daily-notes.json is not a good idea, because it has strange date format (see https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/). And reading and parsing the file just for one string - i don't want to do this.
But i can add template opt to daily_notes, and it will apply this template to new daily notes.
Any news on this one? I think it'd be a handy feature :)
Sorry, I'm stil very busy. I'll try to fix it quickly, but it's not very easy task to apply templates. @CamdenClark may be you can?