nlp-models copied to clipboard
I am getting errors on the configuration while running the example you provide on the repository. I wonder if there is a broader documentation for the package that I could use? I am using the model you provide on the Readme file: experiments/greetings/copynet.json
`Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/claudia/.local/share/virtualenvs/nlp-models-4oWy4XcD/src/allennlp/allennlp/common/", line 243, in pop value = self.params.pop(key) KeyError: 'data_loader'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/claudia/.local/share/virtualenvs/nlp-models-4oWy4XcD/bin/allennlp", line 33, in experiments/greetings/copynet.json
Total time: 0 hours, 0 minutes and 3 seconds elapsed.
Hi, I haven't updated this in a while. I'd suggest using the CopyNet implementation from AllenNLP Models. You can find example configs here:
Thanks so much for the pointer to example config files!! I've been searching for some examples for days! Are there any example scripts for the prediction part? More specifically for copynet? I'm very new to this and I was trying to follow this but it doesn't seem to be working for copynet...could you help me with the necessary changes?
Hi, what error are you getting when you try that with CopyNet?
Thanks for your response. I think the problem was that the predictor here returns a list of list of predicted_tokens...I assume I should just use the tokens from the first one because the list is sorted based on probability...?
I assume I should just use the tokens from the first one because the list is sorted based on probability...?
That's correct