Pete Walsh
Pete Walsh
Hey @OhadRubin, sorry for the radio silence. Our other semantic parsing demos were removed a little while back before we did a major refactoring of the front-end. Unfortunately this means...
Hey @nitishgupta, I would try just running the model image by itself to debug. Instructions for running an the model image by itself are here:
No, but at least you could easily see the error messages from the server (if that's where the issue is).
Did you see step # 3 here: ?
Ah, yea to fix that error you should install the `allennlp_demo` module locally: ``` cd api && pip install -e . ```
That's a good point 😏 Try setting the PYTHONPATH env variable then: ``` PYTHONPATH=./ FLASK_ENV=development python allennlp_demo/bidaf_elmo ```
Do you have `allennlp-models` installed in the same Python environment?
@nitishgupta looks like this is due to mismatch between the version of `allennlp` / `allennlp-models` in your local environment and the one that gets installed in the Docker image. @matt-gardner...
I actually have another use case here where I want to efficiently pass PyTorch tensor's between Python and Rust. With [AllenNLP](, one of our main performance drags is data loading,...
I'm not familiar with Hydra but that looks interesting. JSONNET does allow sourcing from other JSONNET files. So I often make a `common.jsonnet` file where I put step definitions and...