Elmar Pruesse

Results 56 comments of Elmar Pruesse

Hi @johanneswerner, the option to generate an ARB file on the fly was meant to allow people unfamiliar with ARB to quickly generate a file SINA can use as a...

Hi @jvollme, `--arb-list-fields` is new - I put it in exactly for your case. Knowing where the taxonomy might be stored in the reference database was a little too esoteric....

Could you create a minimal (well, small enough to post here) `snakefile` that reproduces this error? I'm seeing the same, but haven't gotten around to building that. Fixing becomes much...

I think there may be an issue with `.snakemake` conversion from =5.27 format. I have seen similar problems, and after removing `.snakemake`, they haven't resurfaced. There was also an issue...

So this one: ``` rule all: input: "a.txt" checkpoint a: output: "a.txt" shell: "touch {output}" ``` That sounds like it's just some overly aggressive avoiding of running rules. If you...

Ok, so the problem with the first MRE is as follows: The job for checkpoint a is executed and a1.txt and a2.txt are created. The job finishes, and the temp...

@chrarnold You can use --keep-going safely. It's the same as with `make` - it just is fast vs slow fail. Probably best to have on most of the time, so...

Sounds like a change in tbb. The allocator isn't defined and things go haywire after that.

Ok, not a change. I think this is because you used "--with-tbb-malloc=no", which should turn off the use off `tbb::tbb_allocator` but doesn't.

This should be fixed as of 14a17e997945311798c779ca07b3c674fcf97432 and published in 1.7.2