Elisa Prana
Elisa Prana
Interface is overloaded. We need to separate items and facilitate navigation. Maybe using tabs ?
Stop getting MVGObjects from name or dagpath. Use arbo from mvgRoot
Maya particles are heavy, and we just use them for display in MayaMVG. We are limitated by the size of the point cloud. Removing particles will enable to load heavier...
When loading a project, display a progress bar based on the number of cameras and points loaded.
To resolve this issue : #7 String attributes are stored in json file as follow : [ "size",1, "storage","int32", "strings",["/pCube1/pCubeShape1","/pSphere1/pSphereShape1"], "indices",[ "size",1, "storage","int32", "arrays",[[0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1]] ] ] Store "arrays" in new...
Hi, String attributes are not stored by points. When iterating through houio::HouGeo::AttributeAdapter::Ptr, (retrieved with houio::HouGeo::getPointAttributeNames() ), string attributes are not stored by points. HouGeo::HouAttribute::getString() only returns unique values of a...