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Compilation, analysis and optimization framework for the Scaffold quantum programming language.
CMake Error
Hello, I have installed all the prerequisites and tried using docker as well but cannot get past this step. I'm using Ubuntu 20.04. `CMake Error at utils/benchmark/src/CMakeLists.txt:19 (add_library): No SOURCES...
Is the CTQG(CLASSICAL-TO-QUANTUMGATE CONVERSION) part proposed in the paper available now? I want to transform some simple classical functions into the quantum circuit but do not find doc for the...
The code below ``` // Prepares (|00> + |11>)/Sqrt(2) given input qubits are both |0> module PrepareEntangledPair( qbit a, qbit b ) { H(a); CNOT(a,b); } // Un-prepares (|00> +...
Hello, I'd like to use ScaffCC in my research, but I found some problems when executing braidflash. ### 1 First of all, `ScaffCC/braidflash/Makefile` is not working because it contains `argparse.cpp`...
The following code ``` c int main() { qbit q[2]; cbit mres[2]; mres[0] = MeasZ(q[0]); mres[1] = MeasZ(q[1]); if( mres[0] == 1 ) { Z(q[0]); } if( mres[1] == 1)...
Running ` -f ` for the following file: ```c int main() { qbit q[1]; cbit c = MeasZ(q[0]); return 0; } ``` causes Segmentation fault : ``` measure_qubit.scaffold [Scaffold.makefile] Compiling...
I'm building ScaffCC for NixOS, only to hit several build issues. It would be helpful if you could upload your Dockerfile to the repo.
Hello, I have no problem about installation or running ScaffCC. However, I am not clear what the following application does. **ScaffCC/Algorithms/Ground_State_Estimation/** I want to calculate ground state energy of TiO2....
Hi ScaffCC developers, based on LLVM release_31 before the commit ``` $ ./ -fkR Algorithms/SHA-1/sha1.n128.scaffold [Scaffold.makefile] Transforming cbits ... [Scaffold.makefile] O1 optimizations ... [Scaffold.makefile] Unrolling Loops (1) ... [Scaffold.makefile]...
Hi ScaffCC developers, Is there some paper to research Register Allocation Algorithm? I am researching please give me some hint, thanks a lot! Regards, Leslie Zhai