vim-es2015-snippets icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vim-es2015-snippets copied to clipboard

:scissors: ES2015 code snippets for vim

Vim ES2015 Snippets

A Vim snippet library for ES2015. You may also want to check out vim-react-snippets.

Requires UltiSnips.



Using vim-plug:

" ES2015 code snippets
Plug 'epilande/vim-es2015-snippets'

" React code snippets (Optional)
Plug 'epilande/vim-react-snippets'

" Ultisnips
Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'

" Trigger configuration (Optional)
" let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="<C-l>"


In a JavaScript or JSX file, type a trigger name while in Insert mode, then press Ultisnips trigger key. In my case I have it mapped to <C-l>.

In Insert mode


Will expand to

const name = (args) => {
  return ;

Check out UltiSnips/javascript.snippets to see all snippets.