On macOS High Sierra,when I start gonvim from dock icon,it's pwd is '/'. Default cwd is ~ is better.
Reproduce ``` :terminal echo hello ``` not show 'hello' but it works when macvim run in Terminal
我使用的是自己设置过的 cscopequickfix, 但是发现被 gutentags_plus 改掉了, 我用起来一脸懵逼, 后来经过排查才发现是插件强制改了. 我觉得这个选项应该要遵循用户自定义的配置吧
看了下你的实现,用的是一个普通的buffer接受输入,稳定性是问题 不如考虑内置的termdebug实现方式,参考vim 8.1 内置的,我觉得这种方案非常稳定 另外,那些命令最好加个前缀,这样执行的时候,方便缩小补全返回
### System OS: macOS Version: alacritty 0.12.2 (9d9982d) As is well known, if you continuously click on the positioning cursor with the mouse in nvim/vim, the cursor blinking will stop....
### FAQ - [X] I have checked the [FAQ](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp/blob/main/doc/cmp.txt) and it didn't resolve my problem. ### Announcement - [X] I have checked [Breaking change announcement](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp/issues/231). ### Minimal reproducible full config...
### Requested feature Can we implement a statusline like the one in the picture? Such a statusline makes it easy to distinguish the boundaries of different windows I am currently...
Some plugins (such as incline.nvim) need autocmd event for WinEnter, BufWinEnter, etc. So I made some slight modifications to the code to be compatible with inline, but the modifications may...