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An opinionated Django boilerplate running Celery & Django on the same Docker container and ready to run on Docker Compose & Kubernetes.

Django Boilerplate

An opinionated Django boilerplate running Celery and Django on the same Docker container and ready to run on Kubernetes.



  • Docker Compose
  • Kubernetes manifests
  • Postgres as the default database
  • A Dockerfile for each service
  • Static files on S3 and CloudFront using Django Storages.
  • A .env file for each service
  • A base settings file with a separation between dev and prod environments
  • Configured to run Celery on the same container as Django using s6-overlay
  • Configured to run Redis in a separate container
  • Cache configured and ready to run on disk and using Redis
  • WSGI configured using gunicorn
  • Commons libraries are installed:
    • Collectfast
    • django-health-check
    • django-select2
    • django_extensions
    • django-clear-cache
    • django-taggit
    • django-crispy-forms
    • django-debug-toolbar
    • sorl-thumbnail
    • django-css-inline
    • django-storages
    • django-redis
    • django-celery-beat
    • django-rest-framework

How to use

0 - Grab a coffee.

1 - Install, Docker and Docker Compose.

2 - Important: Activate your virtual env if you are using one.

mkvirtualenv <your_project_name>

3 - Clone/checkout and run:

# clone the project
git clone <your_project_name>
# checkout to the branch you want to use (don't use the master branch)
git checkout django-4.2.10
# cd into the project and run the script
cd <your_project_name>
# run the script
bash <your_project_name>

4 - Update the .env file located at the root of the project with your own environment variables.

vi <your_project_name>/.env

5 - Run Compose:

docker compose up --build

How to deploy to K8s

Start by creating the namespace:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/ns.yaml

This is how to deploy using envsubst:

export image=me/my-image:v0.01
envsubst < kubernetes/$app.yaml | kubectl apply -f - && echo "$image" >> last.txt

A single line to create a tag (e.g: v0.0.1), build the image (e.g:, push to a registry (e.g: gcr) and deploy to K8s:

export v=0.0.1 && export app=my-app && export$app && export image=$repos:$v && git add . && git commit -m "v$v"; git tag -a v$v -m "Version $v" && git push origin --tags && docker build $app/ -t $image -f $app/Dockerfile && docker push $image && envsubst < kubernetes/$app.yaml | kubectl apply -f - && echo "$image" >> last.txt

(You need to delete the tag if it exists: git tag -d v0.0.1 && git push --delete origin v0.0.1)


All contributions are welcome.