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Unreal Engine support?

Open travisfoo opened this issue 8 years ago • 15 comments

I've been loving your compiler for the past few months and I've been messing around with Unreal for awhile now. I was wondering if you had direct engine support like you do for Unity. I know that I can compile for Wwise and call events that way, but if you do that is there a way to send float and bang messages to the Pd event during runtime in a script like you can using Unity?

travisfoo avatar Jun 16 '16 17:06 travisfoo

@TrofSivart Hmm yeah good point, I haven't looked at direct UE4 support yet. Do you have any links to documentation on their audio engine?

There's not really a way in Wwise to send bang events. One approach would be to use a float send and just convert the input to a bang in your patch. That way each time you change the parameter it'll trigger an event.

diplojocus avatar Jun 17 '16 08:06 diplojocus

Hm, it seems like (unfortunately) the Unreal low-level audio support is a work in progress. Take a look at this forum post. https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?68027-Can-we-PLEASE-get-some-more-advanced-audio-please-Like-custom-convolution-reverb-etc&p=281995&viewfull=1#post281995

I think I'm going to try the float-as-bang sender. Shouldn't be too big of an issue. Thanks!

travisfoo avatar Jun 18 '16 06:06 travisfoo

If you have an Epic Games account, you can look at the source for the audio stuff here: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/tree/release/Engine/Source/Runtime/UnrealAudio

But I'm not sure how much that would help you build Heavy for the platform.

travisfoo avatar Jun 18 '16 07:06 travisfoo

Oh cool, thanks for the link! That's interesting, I'll try and reach out to him.

diplojocus avatar Jun 18 '16 12:06 diplojocus

Hi, I'm trying to use heavy in UE4 with WWise, at the moment I can run my patches without problems in WWise, but I can't get it to work inside UE4 (while other sounds triggered by the same event work). I think it has to do with the WwiseSourceEngine.lib and WWiseSourcePlugin.dll that I don't know where to put. Has anybody managed to do it? I am using Wwise 2016.2.0.5972. Thank you

P1ger avatar Nov 24 '16 00:11 P1ger

Hi @P1ger my current understanding is that dynamic Wwise plugins in UE4 are not yet supported (unless this has changed recently?).

That means you need to use the WwiseSourceEngine.lib and .h file and compile that against the Wwise UE4 integration code, i.e. you can't use the package that AK provides and need to compile the source code yourself.

To do this it's best to have some C++ knowledge.

diplojocus avatar Nov 24 '16 12:11 diplojocus

Hi. I am currently learing to use Pure Data patches with Unreal Engine via Wwise.

So, just like P1ger, I am trying to trigger my PD patch in Unreal Engine but it will not work. I can trigger it inside Wwise and it works fine. I can also trigger the Wwise Synth One and change its parameters without problems inside Unreal Engine.

I guess it has something to do with using a PD patch in Unreal Engine that doesnt work? Is there any way of getting a quick tutorial on how to make it work? I have some basic knowledge of C++, but I am studying it at the moment so if I have to use C++ to make it work it would probably be great for my learning.

ghost avatar Mar 03 '17 04:03 ghost

I'd also be interested in a way to get patches working with UE4. I'll see if I can get something going when I have the time.

lane-s avatar May 01 '17 01:05 lane-s

I think I already linked this on another topic, there is actually a way to do it that involves using Wwise and your UE4 project being a C++ one. It's all explained here!


P1ger avatar May 01 '17 08:05 P1ger


I'm currently working on a prototype and this is exactly what I needed, this absolutely blows my mind. I've worked through the tutorial several times but I can never get to the point where I can trigger the audio in Unreal, triggering Wwise (aka pd patch), as is suggested in the tutorial. Everything copied and compiled correctly but when I try to find the patch name using the Ak Event menu, there are no available options. I noticed in the last image of the tutorial, it say "Play_Laser" and I cannot find that within the tutorial. Do you happen to know what this refers too? I'm so close and I feel this may be the missing part.

https://static.wixstatic.com/media/8bb364_a3172dbb49a84775b00e35050ce9e5e0~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_669,h_656,al_c,q_85/8bb364_a3172dbb49a84775b00e35050ce9e5e0~mv2.web screen shot 2017-08-02 at 1 20 30 pm

cskonopka avatar Aug 02 '17 17:08 cskonopka

Hi @cskonopka the patch/plugin won't show up in the Event menu. Typically you create a new Sound SFX object in the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy, add a source and select your plugin from the dropdown menu. Then create a new event to play your sfx object.

The gif in the docs here should describe the steps: https://enzienaudio.com/docs/index.html#07.wwise#adding-a-source-plugin

diplojocus avatar Aug 02 '17 17:08 diplojocus

@diplojocus Thanks you! Really appreciate the help. I will give it a shot and will let you know. Awesssssssssome

cskonopka avatar Aug 02 '17 17:08 cskonopka

Hi @cskonopka, @diplojocus explained what you are probably missing, and is mentioned in the tutorial briefly as well. I probably took for granted that you need to create an event to play a sound sfx in UE4, I will add a line about it :)

Let us know how it goes!

P1ger avatar Aug 02 '17 17:08 P1ger

Thanks @P1ger !

diplojocus avatar Aug 02 '17 17:08 diplojocus

@P1ger I will work through the tutorial again today to make sure I didn't miss anything. More specifically it's the AK_Event (Post Event) in the image where it says, Play_Laser, I'm just confused where that originates. Everything else has been rather seamless due to the spectacular tutorial and feel that's a crux. Working on a prototype for Unreal so this would be absolutely pinnacle if I could get this working.

cskonopka avatar Aug 12 '17 20:08 cskonopka